Onit Documentation

TCPL (Task Code by Phase Limits)

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

The Task Code Phase Limit (TCPL) application is an Alternative Fee Arrangement (AFA) that provides an easy way for vendors to set fee limits on specific tasks or project phases to ensure that the work is being completed as expected.

Here, we will take you through how to work with a TCPL arrangement in BillingPoint. 

Using TCPL in BillingPoint

1. The client will create a matter with the TCPL fee arrangement and assign it to a vendor. The vendor billing contact(s) will get an email notification, and users can see the matter on the Billing Authorizations tab.

The pending matter will have "Task Code Phase Limits" noted under the Fee Arrangement tab. Click on the Matter name to enter and submit the limits.

2. Fill in the Vendor Matter Number (if necessary) and then the Limit Amounts for the different tasks within the matter.

Once complete, click Send to send the limits to the client or Save as Draft to save and continue working on the amounts later. Click on Add Comment to Client to add any notes or information to send to the client along with the amount.

Note that the Add Comment to Client text box will appear at the bottom of the screen if you click it. Fill in your text and click Add Comment to save it.

3. Users can also bulk upload TCPL fees through an Excel spreadsheet. To do this, click on Download on the Billing Authorizations screen and then on Download Task Code Phase Limits.

Open the downloaded file and fill out the necessary information.

Fields in grey will be pre-filled and un-editable:

  • Client Name 
  • Matter Number 
  • Currency 
  • Phase 
  • Tasks  

The Limit Amount field in blue should be completed and the template saved. 

When the template is complete, click on the Upload button to upload the Excel file to BillingPoint.

To Upload, users can drag and drop the file directly to the field or click on Select File and find upload the desired Excel sheet.

The uploaded task code limits will be presented on the screen for review.

Double-check each limit for accuracy. When finalized, submit the limits to the client or upload as drafts. There are Submit yes/no toggle switches next to each matter; additionally, there is a Toggle All "Submit to Client" On/Off switch in the upper left of the screen. Click on Submit in the upper right-hand corner when finalized to send the limits to the client or click on Cancel to go back.

4. The client can either Approve, make changes to the limits and Approve, or Reject it and send it back for adjustments. Vendor Billing Contact(s) will receive a notification when limits are approved or rejected (the client can also provide comments on their submissions).

Once limits are approved for the matter, submit an invoice as normal. The client can choose to have line items automatically adjusted, invoices rejected, or to warn the reviewer of the need to review and modify the values based on the pre-defined limits.

Note that once submitted, vendor users will be able to see alerts when the amounts you invoice exceed the prescribed limits.

5. If the limit needs to be adjusted at other times in the process, the vendor can "Request a Change" on the Billing Authorization and request that the client review/approve the revised limits.

Once you Request a Change, the Billing Authorization Request will move to a "Pending" state. You will then be able to edit limit amounts on the Billing Authorization screen and resubmit to the client.

Clients will see the change on their side and can approve from their end once settled.

NOTE: The client can also choose not to enforce the limits until after a certain spend amount or date is hit. Vendors can start billing and are then blocked from further submissions once they have billed a certain amount OR after a certain amount of time until the TCPL is submitted or approved.

Vendors can see where billing values are against the limits set, including showing the remaining amounts to hit the limit via the Billing Authorization.

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