Onit Documentation


by Dana Edel Updated on

Assigned Matters

A list of your assigned matters can be found under the Billing Authorizations tab. The matters will be listed by the Client Matter ID (used in LEDES invoice files) and the Matter Name.

If a matter you need to bill is not listed, please contact your client to have it assigned in the system.

You can view more details about the matter (Bill To Legal Entity, Fee Arrangement, Billing Currency, etc.) by clicking on the matter number to open the Billing Authorization.

Closed matters can be found under the Archived tab.

Download Matter List

1. On the Billing Authorization tab, select the Export button.

2. Select one or more matter states from the State dropdown list. (User should click on the box to view the entire list and continue the process to select more than one invoice state).

If desired, select one or more fee arrangements from the Fee Arrangement dropdown list. (User should click on the box to view the entire list and continue the process to select more than one fee arrangement).

Select the matter Status from the available options, Active or All (includes Active and Archived, both).

3. Click on the Export button. The system generates the file in the Excel format which can then be downloaded and saved in your computer.

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