Onit Documentation

Invoice Level Discounts/Adjustments

by Dana Edel Updated on

There are two options for apply discounts/adjustments to an invoice.  Which type you use will depend on the type of discount/adjustment what your client wants to see on the invoice.

These instructions are for an invoice level discount/adjustment, which is applied as an individual line item.

Discounts/adjustments should be entered as negative numbers in order to reduce the invoice total.


The discount/adjustment can be added in a LEDES using the code IF (fee discount) or IE (expense discount) in the FEE/INV_ADJ_TYPE field for LEDES98B and LEDES98BI Files.

Sample IF line in LEDES98B File

20160317|994232|1000|197033|5000.00|20160101|20160131|For Professional Services|2|IF|1||-500.00|20161003|||||agreed discount|91880|-500.00|||42892799[]

Sample IF line in LEDES98BI V2 File

20190225|96542G|711|528|2010|20190101|20190131|Professional Services|3|IF|1||-400|20190131|||||Monthly Discount|24-6437381|-400|||2018-12480|77654|76-1235|Sample Matter||1180|GBP|||O|||||||||||||||0|0|VAT|0|GBP[]

For LEDES XML Files, adjustments can be noted in the @MATTER_DISC_CRED segment. In addition, there is a @TAX_MATTER_DISC_CRED segment to provide information on taxes applied to matter-level adjustments.


For manual invoice creation directly in BillingPoint, enter the discount/adjustment as a negative number within the discount section.

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