Onit Documentation

Editing an Invoice

by Dana Edel Updated on

1. Within the invoice, click Edit Invoice.

2. The popup will explain that after edits are saved, previous invoice validation errors will still be displayed. Click Send to Client/Resubmit for the validation rules to be rechecked and submit your invoice to your client. Click OK on the popup to continue to invoice editing.

3. To edit items in the invoice header click Edit Invoice Header. Header editing will then open and you can make any edits, then click Update.

4. Scroll to any line item you want to edit and click the pencil icon to open editing.

5. Make changes needed and click Update, repeat as necessary on other line items.

6. When done editing, scroll to the very bottom of the invoice and click Update to save all invoice changes.

7. Click Send To Client to submit the invoice to the client.

NOTE: Previous invoice validation errors will still be displayed (after saving edits, before clicking send). The system does not reprocess the invoice validation check until you attempt to send the invoice again.

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