On edit invoice view, a Tax Amount field for each line-item was added to show the tax total based on the entered tax rate
Highlight missing required fields on Timekeeper profile during client timekeeper rate request
Client applied spot rate is now displayed on invoice
Client Spot Rates page has been added to vendor BillingPoint accounts for reference
Listing of accepted file types now display in the attachment field on manual invoice creation
Fee Arrangement added as a column on the download of Invoices list
When emailing multiple invoice PDFs, Invoice PDF's can be sent in 1 file
If there is no matching data the selected criteria for data download, the error advising user of this will be displayed on the download modal, so selections are preserved
Numeric validation on keypress was removed to allow for entry of decimal values less than 1; the validation is now done on save
Resolved Issues
Invoice comments in BillingPoint are no longer displaying HTML
Pagination is now working on Offices, Invoices, and Clients pages
When a timekeeper has a voided rate with the same effective date as an approved rate, it no longer causes the 500 error
A tiff file is now allowed to be add as an attachment on manual invoice show page
When a line-item tax is added and then removed without a Tax Code selected, the invoice can now be submitted without error
Add Adjustment Actions are now able to be applied on copied invoices
Unread comment flags are now clearing properly on invoices
Duplicate office mapping is now working for pre-existing timekeepers
Jurisdiction description and Jurisdiction code are no longer getting interchanged after editing a tax code mapping
Vendor can now make a copy of a copied invoice, where the original invoice was deleted
Invoices sorting based on the invoice submission date is now accurate
Send email to another BillingPoint user to reset their password is no longer erroring
On New User page, 'undefined' placeholder no longer appears in the name field
On Download of Billing Authorizations, if there is no matching data for the selected criteria, we are now displaying an error rather than downloading a blank file
LEDES XML file header discount codes will now be processed when provided in the `disc_cred_note` field per LEDES formatting requirements
On Client Timekeeper Rate Request page, the required field tooltip is now correctly displaying when user tries to submit a rate request without all mandatory fields
In Google Chrome, on the Create/Edit Timekeeper Page, the "Resume" button is now clickable
'Undo this action' when archiving invoices no longer requires a refresh to update
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