What's New
- Remember users Line-Item Column widths in Invoice New View
- Removed the Vendor tab on Invoice New View
- Within an invoice, capture enable/disable adjustments in the audit history
- Billing Authorizations default tab updated to ‘Matter Rates’ for Matter Level Timekeeper Rate fee arrangement
Resolved Issues
- On invoice line-item comments, some special characters no longer display as HTML
- On invoice line-item comments, with a longer comment the comment text box is no longer cut off and Post/Cancel buttons are visible
What’s New
- Invoices can be sent for subsequent appeals without requiring new adjustments
- Added additional “Sections” choices for the Custom PDF option within Bulk Email Invoice PDF
- Vendor offices can opt in/out of providing diversity information for timekeepers associated to the office, the opt/in out value is now available in a field of the office app in ELM
- Added messaging regarding currency conversion calculations on Matter and Vendor Assignment to Matter records
- Fields on Invoice records for Budget and Fiscal calculations have been streamlined
- Amount fields on Fiscal apps have been updated with numeric calculations
- The setting for "Exclude Invoice Phases" from calculations has been moved from Budget Settings to ELM settings and applies to all “total” fields across the system
- Vendor Provided Suite for reporting on Budgets and Accruals
- Enabled New Text Editor
- Accruals Collection in BillingPoint
- See a full overview of the accruals feature here - Vendor Accrual Collaboration via BillingPoint
- Accrual settings now only consider weekdays
- Ability to send ad-hoc accrual reminder email via a button
- Updating the accrual settings while there is an open request for accrual is not permitted
- Period cadence dates must be unique
- Removed Timestamp and Timezone on Accrual Name
- Removed spreadsheet (old) version of accruals
- Budgets Collection in BillingPoint
- See a full overview of the budgets feature here - Vendor Budget Collaboration via BillingPoint
- Budget Remaining USD fields on Budget Detail app have been updated to be currency fields
- Matter Name now displays on Budget Detail records
- Matter Name updates are now reflected on budget records
- Matter Manager changes are considered in the Reforecast Budget Process
- The manual forecast option is hidden on future budgets
- Budget fields available on Vendor Assignment to Matter records updated
- Budgeted Invoice Total in Vendor Currency was added to Vendor Assignment to Matter records
- Non-budget Invoice Total Fields no longer consider the budget include/exclude tax setting
- Tiered Volume Discounts (TVD) 2.0
- Ability to support n number of active TVD agreements per vendor at any given time
- Ability to setup the hierarchy order for the system to determine which discount structure should be applied to an invoice
- Option to apply TVD to invoices based on the bill-to matter’s Areas of Law
- Option to apply TVD to invoices based on the bill-to matter’s Matter Type
- Option to apply TVD to invoices based on the bill-to matter’s Fee Arrangement
- Option to apply TVD to invoices based on the bill-from Vendor Office Location
- Setting to determine which invoice states are included/excluded in calculation of Total Spend for applying TVD
- Setting to determine which date TVD application uses; options to utilize Billing Period End Date, Billing Period Start Date, and Invoice Date
- Applied TVD tier information added to the Invoice New View header
- TVD iFrame added to the Vendors App for control of vendor discounts
- Invoice Widget TVD fields updated to display correct information when utilizing TVD 2.0
- Update TVD Notifications to fetch tier data from BillingPoint to continue previous functionality
- Supports discount audit history for recorded history of creation/changes
Resolved Issues
- Document Uploads - Comment field no longer displays an error message and the document name and download link correctly update
- Forecasted Internal Budget Details now display with their expected Currency
- Matter header "External Budgeted Invoice Total” field name now displays, and the value displays as expected
- Monthly Accrual Process "Accrual Period End Date" now displays the correct year
- The Accrual Process now correctly gets triggered when the monthly accrual date is set to the last day of the month
- When a matter which an accrual has been submitted for is closed during an active accrual process, the Pending/Received counts are now correct
- Accrual Admin users can now view/access all Accrual Request records
- Timekeeper and Timekeeper Rate records "Practice Area" field is now read-only on edit
- On Fiscal records, "Total Spend" and “Invoice Counts” sometimes display incorrect values until recalculation is performed
- Error message displays when attempting to update public grid views for Invoice and Matter dashboards
- Invoice Total field does not get updated to exclude EPD amount once EPD is applied
- Budget spinner/banner on VATM continuously displays even after budget is created, only no longer displays on refresh
- The validation message for Duplicate Fiscal Period Name is not working correctly
- Budget history app is generating 3 budget history links for a newly submitted invoice