The new LEDES workflow is now default. Vendors still have the option to switch to the old LEDES workflow until November 19th, 2020.
We have been hard at work optimizing Onit and BillingPoint for localization support. Localization changes with this release are outlined below.
- Onit and BillingPoint now support Japanese.
- All BP screens for vendors, Invoice review page for clients now can be translated to Japanese language.
- Currently BillingPoint supports English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, and French.
- This affects date formats and currency formats.
- Invoices will display with all appropriate locale settings (language, date and currency).
- All wrapping and overlapping issues have been fixed for Japanese language support.
What's New for Vendors
- The Timekeeper and New Timekeeper pages have been made more responsive to improve the user experience.
- Vendors are now able to view and sort by Date Created for Invoices.
- The Vendor Upload History Status column now intuitively shows when a LEDES file has successfully passed file validation.
- In the new LEDES workflow recently created invoices are highlighted in light blue when the user navigates to the Invoice Landing page for better visibility. When remaining on the page the highlight will fade after 60 seconds.
What's New for Clients
- Clients can now choose to exclude diversity information for non-US firm offices. The first radio button can be selected in your client BillingPoint instance to exclude diversity information for all timekeepers from all of your firm offices or the second radio button can be selected to only exclude diversity information for timekeepers from your non-US firm offices. When the second radio button is selected, timekeepers from your US firm offices will not have diversity information excluded.
- Excluded timekeeper gender and ethnicity information will display as "Not Disclosed."
Please note that regardless of which setting you have enabled, some of your firms may have elected at their office level to not collect gender and ethnicity for their respective timekeepers.

Resolved Vendor Issues
- Vendors are no longer able to submit invoices via LEDES upload that reference more than one Matter.
Resolved Client Issues
- Sorting of invoices by description in now consistent across Onit and BillingPoint.