Onit Documentation

BillingPoint Release Notes - May 2024

by Dana Edel Updated on

What's New

  • Ability for law firm vendors without LEDES capabilities to upload a PDF invoice for data extraction and eventual submission to client.

    • A walk-through of this feature can be viewed here.

  • Vendor users can now see which clients are “disabled” (still need to pay the subscription fee) without going through the submit invoice/timekeeper rate process; disabled clients will display “Disabled” next to their names in the Switch Client dropdown menu.  

  • If a tiered-volume discount is incorrectly entered into the system (not matching the system-calculated discount), the user-entered value can be automatically adjusted per client request.

  • After resubmitting matter-level timekeeper Billing Authorization requests, new changes to the requests (newly added timekeepers or rates for pre-approved timekeepers with newly submitted rates) are now highlighted in blue.  

  • If available, the custom staff class shows up on all versions and phases of a Billing Authorization request.

  • “Address 1” and “Address 2” fields are now in separate invoice lines, making it easier for vendors to match legal entity information. 

  • API users can no longer log into BillingPoint accounts directly and manually submit invoices; added a new user type for BillingPoint API users. 


  • On the pending/disputed timekeeper rate page, the “Graduation Date” field is now visible on the timekeeper profile when the “Lawyer” button is checked.  

  • After uploading an Excel timekeeper rate file with an invalid value, the validation error stays on the screen rather than disappearing with a click. 

  • The vendor is no longer able to edit the invoicing currency in the Billing Authorization during the Matter Level Timekeeper entry process.  

  • Timekeeper rates requests are correctly created in the client database. 

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