Onit Documentation

ELM Release Notes - December 2024

by Dana Edel Updated on

Available on Release

What's New

  • Accessibility Updates
    • Invoice iFrame keyboard focus improvements, including:
      • Keyboard access is provided to focus the element and keyboard access to interact with and activate the element OR a shortcut keystroke is provided to activate the function and the shortcut is documented.
      • Disabled controls need not be placed in the focus order or be interactive while in the disabled state.
      • All functionality and content that is hoverable with a pointing device must also be available either directly, with the keyboard or via an alternative that is keyboard operable.
      • Specific timings are not required except when the specific path rather than the endpoints are necessary to perform the function, such as signing a document.
    • Invoice iFrames have screen reader components that provide complete name, role, and state information.
    • Content and functionality improvements when the browser zoom is set at 400%.
    • On invoice iFrames, visible text labels on form fields now match accessible names or include any text of the visible labels.
  • Performance optimization improvements for the invoice screen.
  • Added government invoice number field (for European vendors) to invoice screen and invoice PDF.

Resolved Issues

  • Column width stickiness on Invoice screen now functions correctly on Windows 11 with Edge.
  • Empty values are now filtered out from the Tasks and Activity tab count on invoices.
  • Data on the accrual process header is now correctly placed when the browser size is reduced.
  • TCPL template now only appears once on the Billing Authorization when in editable states.
  • “Expand All” and “Collapse All” functionality for descriptions now work properly when the description column is on its smallest setting.
Configuration Required - May Require Services

What's New

  • Removed second recalculation on Allocation Create and Update.
  • Cascading Listcombos are now used for “Contact Type” and “Sub Type” for the Contact and Contact Involvement to Matter (CITM) applications.
  • Matter reopen workflow and Fiscal applications (Year, Month, Period) optimization efforts.
  • A “Complete Task” action button has been added to the Task Details tab; the button will appear under specific conditions (if the task is in a pending phase and not overdue).
  • The budget panel now displays directly on the matter for quicker navigation.
  • Flat Fee by Task Code (FFTC) and Task Code Phase Limit (TCPL) applications are now linked to the ELM Configuration Settings application.
  • Contact and Contact Involvement to Matter applications are now converted to FormsBuilder.
  • Government invoice number (for European vendors) is added as a field to the Invoice dashboard.
  • Early Pay Discounts no longer apply to invoices that have VAT added.
  • Timekeeper records now update if the effective date is changed during Pending Approval phases.
  • Reduced calls to “Calculate Fields (Calculate Fields)” in the Matter application.
  • The Accruals process now supports 1000+ vendors / VATMs (Vendor Assignment to Matter) included in a single process for a given cadence.
  • Performance improvements for the “Invoice Total Vendor Currency” calculation.


  • Recalculate budget and budget details action now functions properly on invoice creation.
  • Vendor status update requests now go to the proper vendor contact.
  • After adjusting invoices, clients can now properly send the adjusted invoice to Appeal.
  • Resolved validation error for matters when “Apply Allocations to all Pending Invoices” is checked and the invoice-level allocation is set to 100%.
  • After creating a matter with a manual vendor and manually added invoice, the spinner now stops running when the invoice enters a new phase.
  • The user can no longer reopen the VATM if the matter is closed.
  • Fixed issue where BillingPoint Collaboration Accruals allowed for Accrual Enable on the VATM, even when the vendor does not have accruals enabled; on this occasion, any VATM set that requires accruals is ignored.
  • Users are now blocked from enabling accruals on the VATM if the vendor is a manual vendor when using BillingPoint Collaboration Accruals.
  • The discount checkboxes are now unchecked by default on the VATM creation if no active discounts exist.
  • Tiered Volume Discount (TVD) checkbox is now present on the VATM creation form when the TVD is active and perpetual.
Known Product Limitations
  • If a Task Code Phase Limit BAR is in Pending Approval phase and the Matter is closed and re-opened, the BAR phase is changed to Approved.
  • Vendor Accrual Processes are not getting created correctly when the multiple cadences are set and triggered on the same day.
  • For budgets, Period Reforecast doesn't run after the first period.
  • For cloned Fiscal Year, the 'Fiscal Year' value reflects the previous year from which the recent year is cloned.
  • Partial Payment notifications are not sent to the vendors.
Next Article ELM Release Notes - August 2024

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