Implemented “skip” option on Timekeeper Rate Validation Rule based on staff classification rather than ID.
Updated BillingPoint to only send invoice comments notification to client if the comment originated in BillingPoint.
New Diversity fields added to TK profile (Veterans, Disability and LGBTQ+).
Added functionality to aggregate Diversity data for reporting.
Added functionality to validate that all required fields are completed on client Timekeeper Rate Request profile on disputed rates submission.
Added text field on Billing Authorization titled “Internal Matter Number” for vendor to insert value in the field.
Updated Billing Authorization Grid:
Added column to Billing Authorization grid to view “Internal Matter Number”.
Added column to Billing Authorization grid to view Fee Arrangement of the matter.
Expanded Billing Authorization grid to full width.
Changed label on “Get BAR List” button to “Export” on the Billing Authorization page.
Changed header on popup launched from “Get BAR List” button to “Download Billing Authorizations” on the Billing Authorization page.
Updated button styling.
Added functionality to validate on a Timekeeper Rate Request that all required fields are completed on the Timekeeper Profile.
Rate request submission is blocked if the fields are blank.
Duplicate invoice number rule can now verify against voided invoice numbers, if requested by the client.
Custom PDF options now exclude alerts or adjustments on the PDF if those sections are not selected.
Editing the “Sent By” when Send Invoice PDF is used, now displays within the body of the email message in addition to CC.
Added Invoice Tracking Date field to Client Account for use in reports.
Pendo Analytics added to BillingPoint.
System code now upgraded to Ruby 3.0.
BillingPoint functionality to support move to SHA2 certificate is now operational.
Updated Terms of Service to include new language that complies with the new privacy regulations in CCPA. (December 27, 2022 Point Release)
Resolved Issues
When downloading zip files attached to invoices where multiple attachments have the same filenames, all files are downloaded, and duplicate filenames are adjusted.
Vendor BP/Timekeeper Staff classification now sorts in the correct order for Client Timekeepers view.
Currency format in Tax code and date format in Invoice are now corrected when language is Deutsch (German).
Lawyer validation is now working for timekeeper file upload for staff class Partner, Associate, and Of Counsel.
Display issue on Client Timekeeper Rate page is now resolved.
Screen now displays successful confirmation message when user clicks “Resend Email” link.
Can now open the invoice header in edit mode when “Due Date” field is empty.
Edit function of Timekeeper Profile in Manage Rates is now working properly.
Fee/Expense discount line items now required to have valid UTBMS discount codes. contains proprietary and confidential information owned by Onit, Inc. that is subject to copyright. Onit presents it exclusively to you for your sole use in conjunction with using Onit products. No portion of the materials contained herein may be used for any other purpose. No portion of the materials contained herein may be shared with third parties or reproduced in any form.