What is included in the release?
New Features
- Application relationship tables in the Data Warehouse
- BillingPoint Errors Warnings Reports
- Displaying un-billed matters in the ELM Ops Suite
Product Enhancements
- Matter Level Timekeepers rate included in standard data sources
- Clients can still see the latest Tableau extracts if the Data Warehouse refresh fails
- Standard reports will now display the “winning” office details
Bug Fixes
- Updated formulas on Matter counts in standard reports
- Updated the colors for “Preferred Vendors” to match our standard color scheme
- Fixed calculations on the “8hr + TKs” report
- YTD totals now update when a date has been selected
- Filters not displaying correctly in the TK suite
- Removed inactive line items from standard data sources
New Features
Application relationship tables in the Data Warehouse
The problem being solved:
The Data Warehouse does not allow for many-to-many (MTM) relationships to be reported on in Tableau, but the relationships can be made from within Onit. This means that data elements with this relationship type are not able to be reported on in Tableau without significant development being done
- When a many-to-many relationship are set within App Builder, the data warehouse will now create application specific relationship tables to capture the relationships
- For each application that has a many-to-many relationship, we will be creating the relationship table for each app and during the full refresh of the warehouse for the client, for each run the table will be truncated and re-populated as we do for each App.
- Tables will be created within the warehouse for each app, table name will be:
- Tables will be created within the warehouse for each app, table name will be:
- A view will be created for each MTM field for each app:
- Sample Structure of the view:
create or replace view {app_name}_{manytomany_field_name} as
select id as _id, target_id as m2m_matters
from {app_name}_relationships
where field='{manytomany_field_name}';
During the incremental refresh of the warehouse,
Deleted atoms will be deleted from the app table as well from the relationship table if it exists. If it is an update to an atom, then the atom will be update in the app table and the data from the relationship table corresponding to that atom will be deleted and re-inserted.
The current version of the script works where atoms are in mongo. (ATP='No')
Table name: matters_securitygroup_relationship
Id | field | target_id |
varchar(40) | varchar(255) | varchar(40) |
BillingPoint Errors and Warnings Reports
User Statement:
As a Legal Ops manager, I need to know if there are errors and warnings impacting the law firms and vendors' ability to submit/approve invoices using BillingPoint so that I can look for ways to improve their experiences and ensure invoices are successfully submitted.
The problem being solved:
Currently, if there are errors and warnings on BillingPoint during the invoicing process clients are having a hard time trying to figure out the reasons for the errors/warnings. This new dashboard will create a quick view of all the errors/warnings in a central place to help our clients and our internal support teams.
- Created three new dashboards in the “ELM Ops Suite”
- Errors Warnings Overview
- Error Details
- Warning Details
Errors and Warnings Overview:
This dashboard shows a quick overview of the errors and warnings that have occurred on BillingPoint. The dashboard breaks down the number of errors and warnings to point out the errors and warnings that can happened the most frequent.

Error Details:
This dashboard provides the details on the errors that are summarized on the overview dashboard. The filters that have been applied on the overview page will be carried over if any changes have been made to the default selections.

Warning Details:
This dashboard is similar to the Error Details dashboard but focuses on the warnings instead of the errors.

Filter Options:
Date Range
- This is the date that error or warning was created at (the same invoice can have multiple errors and warning)
- The default selection will be the last 30 days
Invoice Context
- This is the context of the error (i.e. Fee, Invoice, Expense)
- By default, all context options will be selected
Invoice Status
- This is the BillingPoint invoice status that is associated to either the invoice or the line item which flagged up error or warning
- By default, all statuses will be selected
Vendor Name
- This is the vendor that is associated to the invoice that was submitted
- These are the vendors that are in BillingPoint and not from the Vendors application within Onit
- By default, all Vendors will be selected
- The overview dashboard will display all vendors from within BillingPoint but the Errors and Warnings detail dashboard will only show the vendors associated the an error or warning
Displaying unbilled matters in the ELM Ops Suite
User Statement:
As a legal operations manager, I need to know when a legal matter has not been billed so that I can understand the reasons that I have an unbilled matter.
The problem being solved:
When matters have not been billed, it can lead to unwanted surprises for budgets and savings, so by showing matters that have not been billed we will help our customers take a proactive approach to manage their matter spend.
- A new column was added to the “Aging Open Matters” dashboard in the ELM Ops Suite that will display “Last Billed Date” of the for the Matter
- This date is the latest date in which an invoice was received against the Mater
- If there are no invoices submitted against the Matter, then the column will display “Not Billed”
- There is also a new filter added for this dashboard that allows for filtering of the visualizations to only show Matters that have not been billed

Product Enhancements
Matter Level Timekeepers rate included in standard data sources
The problem being solved:
There is no data on Matter Level Timekeepers (MLTK) in the data warehouse, so clients are not able to create reports without this data. The use of MLTK in ELM is not widely adopted by our client base so at this time we will only add the data into the warehouse so custom reports can be created for our clients.
- We have added the following data fields into the standard data sources used in Tableau
- Matter rate as “bp_tk_matter_rate”
- Date matter rate submitted as “bp_matter_rate_submitted”
- Matter rate currency as bp_matter_currency”
- Matter rate in client base currency as “bp_matter_rate_base”
Clients can still see the latest Tableau extracts if the Data Warehouse refresh fails
The problem being solved:
When a nightly Data Warehouse failure occurs the subsequent Tableau extract refresh were also failing. This was causing our customers to not be able to view reports due to the Tableau extract failing.
- Changed the Jenkins job configuration so that If the refreshDW python script fails, then the refreshDS script will not run
- Data source refreshes that are not triggered will not show up on the operational dashboard
- If a Data Warehouse failure is fixed and then successfully run, then the latest information will display on the operational dashboard
Bug Fixes
Updated formulas on Matter counts in standard reports
Issue | Solution |
Standard Reports are incorrect and underreporting matter counts | Matter counts are correct on all standard reports by ensuring that we are using the Matter ID for calculations |
Updated the colors for “Preferred Vendors” to match our standard color scheme
Issue | Solution |
Coloring of the dimensions for “vendor preferred” due not follow our reporting standards | Updated the colors to be consistent with the rest of our reporting |
Fixed calculations on the “8hr + TKs” report
Issue | Solution |
Calculations are on the “8hr + TKs” report are not calculating correctly | Calculations updated on Tableau to report on the correct numbers |
YTD totals now update when a date has been selected
Issue | Solution |
The YTD totals do not update when changes are made to the Select Date filter by users | YTD figures now updated when a user selects that as a filter. YTD is based on the “current year” filter parameter within the reports |
Filters not displaying correctly in the TK suite
Issue | Solution |
In the TK suite the
following worksheet where filter list is not displaying correctly (over both
reports which are generated by Hyper API as well as by tableau)
Staff Class Timekeeper Spend Grid - Task Code Spend Grid - Staff Class Spend Grid - Timekeeper Spend Grid - Task Code |
Filters now display and work as expected |
Removed inactive line items from standard data sources
Issue | Solution |
Inactive line items are included in the line item cube so they are being included in reports that do not filter the line items within the Tableau workbook | By default, inactive line items will not be included in data sources |