Weekly digest notification email now sent to firm invoice submitter(s) for invoices requiring action (draft, failed, & disputed invoices)
Renamed Start and End Date on Billing Authorization to Open Date and Closed Date
Ability to Export Client Billing Rules into Microsoft Excel file for client review
New vendor-client account disable reason added - “Subscription Payment Past Due”
InvoiceAI Enhancements for BillingPoint Rule Setup & Introducing Tags, Reporting Groups, and Label tables
PO Number provided in LEDES XML file now processed into system
Ability to enter PO Number during manual invoice entry
Ability to make a copy of an invoice in any phase
Resolved Issues
Vendor was able to submit the invoice to client through invoice listing page when vendor-client account is disabled
Timekeeper rate history display alignment fixed
If currency is not configured as supported currency and user is trying to send an invoice, the page no longer breaks
Top level menu choice in UI is now maintained when clicking on subordinate links
Revenue by client report no longer displaying blank
Line item dates no longer wrap
Calendar date picked no longer showing blank date after selection
System no longer trying to show the html "TK exceeded 10 hours" table in line-item adjustment section
When client BillingPoint rules were added by downloading the rule .json file from one environment and uploading into another, the rules appear enabled but were not firing as expected
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