The default payment term was changed to 30 days from the invoice date for manual and LEDES invoices.
What's New for Clients
Invoice attachments now display a timestamp and are arranged in order of upload.
The default payment term was changed to 30 days from the invoice date for manual and LEDES invoices.
Resolved Vendor Issues
Fixed incorrect error message when changing matter on a disputed invoice.
When clients change the matter currency, the amounts in the invoice summary sections (Year to Date and Spend to Date fields) will be converted and updated accordingly.
Resolved Client Issues
The email PDF invoice sent by description now reads: "To showcase the initiator of this emailed invoice PDF report." contains proprietary and confidential information owned by Onit, Inc. that is subject to copyright. Onit presents it exclusively to you for your sole use in conjunction with using Onit products. No portion of the materials contained herein may be used for any other purpose. No portion of the materials contained herein may be shared with third parties or reproduced in any form.