Onit Documentation

BillingPoint Release Notes - August 2024

by Dana Edel Updated on

What's New

  • Task Code Phase Limit (TCPL) Fee Arrangement is now available. The TCPL application is an Alternative Fee Arrangement (AFA) that provides an easy way for clients and vendors to manage fee limits on specific tasks or project phases.
    • See additional details on this new Fee Arrangement here
  • Vendor Name is now added to invoice export for clients.
  • Adjustment rule added in to put a line item to $0 if the task code is not on the “Flat Fee by Task Code” list for the vendor/ jurisdiction.
  • Added in a new API endpoint (office_id) for office identifications.
  • Performance improvements when navigating to a “Pending” Matter-Level Timekeeper Billing Authorization Request (BAR) and when requesting a change to an approved Matter-Level Timekeeper BAR.

Resolved Issues

  • All payment records are now displayed for admin users for single office vendors.
  • “Number” and “account_id” columns are now set as the composite upsert key during client project creation and upsert.
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