Onit Documentation

Release Notes - May 2018

by Angela Gleason Updated on

App Creator Features

We have improved the look and layout of the Navigation Menu in Advanced Designer (React)

An App Creator can easily navigate through the navigation menu to configure an application.

We have implemented the option to configure List Providers in Advanced Designer. (React)

An App Creator can now configure List Providers in the Advanced Designer (React).  The options available are:

  • List Dictionary Provider
  • NetDocuments List Provider (Optional)
  • PSB Object Provider
  • Salesforce List Provider (Optional)
  • Tableau List Provider (Optional)
  • Transaction List Provider
  • Imanage List Provider (Optional)

We now provide the ability to select an image to be used as the background image of the app.

We have implemented a way to duplicate fields in the Wizard when building an application. (React)

When configuring an application, an App Creator can add a new field in the wizard by using the Duplicate button.

We enhanced the ability to configure Data Views in an application.

An App Creator can now configure Data Views and save them with a unique name. A Data View can also be deleted. Be careful when deleting a data view. Be sure you are not using the data view on any App Panels.

We enhanced our Liquid Editor to allow app creators to toggle between Source mode and WISYSIG mode.

End User Features

In order to prevent users from clicking buttons multiple times, we have implemented a process when you take an action on an atom, the buttons are grayed out until the action is complete. In addition, users will see a spinning indicator that the system is still working.

Implemented a way to see when a saved View on a Dashboard has changed.

A user can select a View, change what data is shown on the dashboard and the View Selector label will indicate that a change was made.

We enhanced the Key Data Widget so that users will see a nicely formatted date instead of a long date format.

When a user receives an error message, the error message will persist so the user can copy and paste the error message if needed. Then the user can close the error message when it is no longer needed.

When adding a participant, the user's cursor will be focused in the Email field so that user can start typing the participant's name.

Bug Fixes

General Platform:

  • Timeline widgets now have an easier-to-read format for their dates.
  • Fixed an issue where emails using a badly formed address wouldn't get a return message informing that the original email couldn't be delivered.
  • When you link another app to your current one using the "Associated Apps" feature, the records in that app show up in the Liquid preview editor, but the editor didn't previously function correctly when using them. Now they do.

React UI:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Listcombo field to sometimes display its underlying value instead of the display value. You don't want to see the employee ID 01685438, you want to see the name John Doe.
  • Fixed an issue where making a comment while editing a transaction reverts your edits.
  • Fixed styling of some HTML tags on the dashboard grid.
  • Fixed an issue with the display of a transaction's last activity.
  • Fixed an issue where zooming in or out could sometimes cause the labels to disappear from the suite navigation menu.
  • Fixed an issue in the Designer where clicking the + icon a second time would close the drop down menu, and could not re-open it.
  • Improved handling in the Liquid/HTML preview editor of special characters such as ">".
  • Fixed an issue where once you had put a condition on a button, you could change to a different condition, but couldn't clear the field and have no condition at all. Now you can.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped you from deleting data views.
  • Fixed an issue where app launch links in a suite portal widget would not work when clicked on first thing after logging in.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking "Next" when you have no other work in your queue resulted in the other buttons never reactivating.
  • Fixed an issue in the Builder where clicking on a phase that was already selected could cause an error.
Previous Article Release Notes - July 2018
Next Article Release Notes - March 2018 - Hotfix

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