Onit Documentation

Release Notes - October 2024 Minor Release

by Alex Heath Updated on

App Creator
  • Feature flip - updated_at will now update when a Recalc Single Transaction Action is fired and the new recalc value is different than the previous one.
  • Updated the error toast message for packaging timeouts to better inform the appbuilder of the situation and optional next steps.
  • Widget Atom Link now enforces required fields and prevents a form with empty required fields from being submitted.
  • Resolved the issue causing the language export file to not contain static text when Static text was checked for export.
  • Updated the labels on the Admin Security page to make them clearer.
  • The Disable total on Dashboard checkbox is now available in Forms Builder for currency fields.
  • Fixed an issue where boolean values could not be mapped over to iManage via Daily Schedules.
Next Article Release Notes – August 2024

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