Onit Documentation

Release Notes - April 2024 Minor Release

by Alex Heath Updated on

Available on Release - End User

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed erroneous error when a field referenced in a mirrored field was updated.
  • Added a unique index to prevent duplicate users.
  • The bug causing the Phase Metrics Panel visualizations to not show has been resolved.
  • Fields are no longer getting hidden in view mode.
  • Shadow tables now work with non-private user groups.
  • Fixed bug causing checkboxes to not show the correct value on the app grid.
Configuration Required - May Require Services - End User

What's New

  • Several improvements to Document Management Lite:
    • Non-admin users can download documents to records they have access to that are uploaded by other users.
    • The correct App Panel is shown after navigation.
    • Document selection no longer persists after navigating to another folder.
    • Sub-folders are ordered alphabetically.
    • The grid remains filtered when a Bulk Action is applied.
App Creator

What's New

  • Phase Metrics performance was improved with case sensitive queries.  

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the Document Management Lite Fixed error that occurred with packaging apps that had Doc Management Provider Lite configured that caused the App Panel Fails.
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