The Onit development team has worked hard on our platform's new user interface (UI).
We recently announced Onit's general audience release of our new React-based UI for end users. Right now, the system admin must feature-flip the new UI; I have included instructions below.
We are also working on a new UI for Onit's App Builder and Advanced Designer. However, a few features are already available only in the React Advanced Designer, so we're also providing instructions on how to access it to utilize these new features.
Turning on the React UI for End Users
To turn on the React UI for your corporation's end users, navigate to your environment's Administration page.
Select Edit Corporation from the sidebar.

Select the Beta Features tab.

Select the React UI checkbox. You should also make sure the New Home Page checkbox is also selected.

Select the Update button to the bottom right.

Your environment should now be displayed in the new UI.
Check out our Quick Tour article for help navigating the primary changes we made to this UI.
Accessing the React UI's Advanced Designer
NOTE: You should only use the React Advanced Designer to configure otherwise unavailable features in our Legacy UI's Advanced Designer since we are still working to resolve bugs in the React version. (We'll let you know whenever you need the new UI for a given feature.) Once you've configured a feature in the React Advanced Designer, you should return to using the Legacy UI's Advanced Designer to avoid these bugs.
Using the React UI's Advanced Designer
To access the React UI's Advanced Designer, you can visit your app's Advanced Designer as usual. Append /better_advanced_designer to the URL and hit Enter. You'll be redirected to the React UI Advanced Designer.
Original URL:
Modified URL:
Exiting the React UI's Advanced Designer
To exit the React UI Advanced Designer, remove the /better_advanced_designer from your app's Advanced Designer URL, and you'll be taken back to the Legacy UI Advanced Designer.