Onit Documentation

Using Fields to Watch

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

The "Fields to Watch" option within the Transaction Updates Business Rules helps users optimize their Transaction Updates performance. Rather than executing conditions and actions for every single transaction updated business rule — which could number in the dozens — picking out specific fields in the "Fields to Watch" area enables users to select the exact changes to a transaction that should execute conditions and actions.  

Using Fields to Watch

1. Navigate to the "Business Rules" setting in App Builder.

Business Rules


2. Create a new "Transaction Updated" rule by clicking on the Plus sign.


You can also modify existing Transaction Updated options. To do this, select the one you'd like to edit from the drop-down menu under "Transaction Updated."


3. Fill in the name and description you'd like to set for the specific "Transaction Updated" rule.

Name Description

4. Click the "Enabled" box to enable the rule.


5. Select the fields from the application that you'd like to monitor for changes. When one or more of these fields are set, at least one of the fields must be updated by the user—and any specified conditions must be true—to enable the rule.


Here is what the Fields to Watch section will look like after a user selects the fields to monitor:

6. Fill in the condition(s) and action(s) you'd like to set. Note that conditions are optional.

Conditions Actions

7. If necessary, provide a brief description of the change you made in the "Comment" box.


8. Click "Create" or "Save" to create or update the rule.

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