Which Tags the App should belong to in the left-hand dashboard sidebar. If you want to add a new tag here, type some text into the field and then press ENTER.
Associated Apps
This drop down allows you to select another App on the same server. (The field can contain multiple App names; just keep selecting.) The dashboard for this App will then show Records belonging to those other Apps also.
Layout Type
Choose the layout type from the options - Standard, Compact, or Related Centered.
Show Details Panel First
Normally any panels you create will be placed first, and the default "Details" panel will come last. Check this box to make the "Details" panel come first instead.
Custom 'Launch' Button Text
Text here (up to 25 characters) will appear on the app's launch button instead of the default "Launch".
Launch Form Width
The size of the launch form. Note that a low value here may break the formatting.
Custom 'Secondary Buttons' Button Text
Text here will replace "More Actions" on the secondary buttons drop down menu.
Form Label Width
The amount of space (in pixels) given to the labels. (The rest of the space goes to the field entry areas.) The default is 150. If a label overruns its space, it will simply be cut off, so be careful to allow enough.
Truncate Activity Logs
When this box is checked, all comments in the activity log that are more than three lines will show the first three lines only, with a "Show More" link to expand it fully. This is useful when lots of clients send emails with long signatures into your transactions.
Tab Style
When this is set to "Regular", tabs will have the styling you're used to, all on one line. "Carousel" makes the tabs larger, with arrows to cycle them back and forth.

Grid Dashboard
Check the box for "Show select all option.." if you want your users on a dashboard grid to be able to select all columns in the column selector. If your app has 500 fields and you would rather your users not be able to show them all at once, then uncheck this box.
Authentication Level
Choose the level of access to the app:
- Restricted: Most users will not see the App on their homepage. Participants in Records can see the App but not launch new Records. For more information see this security tutorial.
- Authenticated: All users will see the App and be able to launch it, but the app is not available for anonymous launch.
- Anonymous: Full access, including launch that is anonymous.
Hide Emails in Log
When this box is checked, emails received in a Record will not appear in its Activity panel, and search results will not find them.
Evaluate Calculated Fields
When this is checked, Fields that have calculations in their Advanced tab will fill in with the calculation; when it is unchecked, calculations will not be done automatically, but must instead be triggered by a Recalc Transactions or Recalculate Single Transaction Action.
Background Dashboard Totals
Check this box for the grid to show rows as soon as possible, and then display the Record count a little bit later. Dashboard load time improvement will be noticeable when loading ~20,000+ Records.
Disable Business Rules
When this is unchecked, business rules will trigger actions as normal; when it is checked, business rules will not fire.
Disable Search
Check this box to prevent the search function from indexing this App's Records.
Transaction Navigation Buttons
Check this box to enable the left and right navigation buttons that show when viewing a Record.
Disable UI Create
Check this box to remove the launch button from the App tile, and hide any Create Related buttons that target this App.
Disable UI Delete
Check this box to remove the delete action from the dashboard.
Enable Transaction Filter
When this box is checked, users will see a drop down menu above the dashboard. With this menu, they can filter the dashboard to show only items where they are participants; or, only items where they are participants with status Pending.
Numeric Sequence
If you want your App to use a different sequence for Record numbering than the server default, select the sequence you want from this drop down. (Numeric sequences are created in the Administration page.)
Prevent Grid View Save and Edit
If you feel your users will be confused by all the things they can do with dashboard grids, check this. It takes away most grid functions from regular users:
- Filtering (including the transaction filter)
- Sorting
- Bulk Actions
- Selection and ordering of columns
All these will be gone.
Note: In order to turn this on, you must have saved a default view for the App.
Show language picker on Anonymous Launch
This box is available if language translation is enabled at the Corp1 level. It provides a menu option on anonymous launch forms that lets the user change the form language.
UI Actions to Run on Launch
This setting is covered in the UI Action Tutorial.
Include in recents
Check this box if you want atoms of this app to show up in users' "Recently Viewed" menu. Uncheck it if you don't.
App Email Address
This setting is used by the "Apps Receive Emails" beta feature, which allows users to create new Records by sending an email: it lets you configure the address to send to. For some more details, see this tutorial.
Notification Test Mode
When this box is checked, emails from all notification actions will go to a test address instead of to the normal recipient.
Notification Test Email
Enter the email address that test notifications should go to. Note that if Test Mode is unchecked, this will be hidden.
Outlook Add-In
This section will only be visible if your corporation has the Outlook Add-In enabled at the Corp1 level.
Enable Outlook Add-in
Check this box if you want this App to be among those visible to the add-in. (Obviously, if you don't check this box, then you don't need to fill in any of the lower fields.)
Summary Fields
Choose app fields here: their data will show in the add-in's summary view.
Detail Fields
Choose the fields whose data will be visible when a user in the add-in drills into a single atom.
Email Field
When a user links an email to an atom, the add-in forwards that email to the atom. The add-in finds the atom's email address by looking in the field you set here.
Dashboard and Export Header Text
The text you enter here will be visible in an Excel sheet exported from the dashboard grid, in the page header. (If nothing is entered here, the default is "Confidential".)
Dashboard and Export Footer Text
And this, in the footer.
Background Image
Images are uploaded in Administration, in the Images node: select type Background. Image files will then be available to select here.