Onit Documentation

An Explanation of Fields in Onit

by David Goldfarb Updated on


Allows a user to attach a file to the transaction.

  • Tag: - A name or identifier for this attached file. You can use this tag to make attachments in one app show up as related documents in another.


A true or false response.

  • Right label: Explanatory text that will appear next to the box.

Note: Checkbox Fields that do not have an initial value and are not interacted with by the user have a value of Null, not false. To avoid throwing off reporting or configuration, always give Checkbox Fields an initial value of true or false.


Creates a drop down menu of possible values.

  • Values: Enter the items here that will appear in the drop down menu, separated with commas.

Note: To include a comma in your combo item, put a backslash in front of it. E.g.: To have an item that reads "Houston, TX", enter:

Houston\, TX

Combo items cannot include a colon (:) or backslash (\).

  • Filter By: One of the app's other fields. Pick a field name from the list. The entries in this drop down menu will be filtered by what is in that field.
  • Value Selection/Allow user to enter custom text: When this box is checked, the user can type in a value by hand instead of choosing from the drop down.
  • Validator: This lets you accept or reject user input based on custom criteria. It's set up using the Advanced Designer.
  • Display as Radio Buttons?: Normally the values will display as a drop down menu. If this box is checked, the user will see a set of radio buttons instead.


A field with a drop down menu, similar to a Combo. Unlike a Combo field, which can only be set to one of the options, a MultiSelect can hold multiple entries. MultiSelect fields can be set up in two ways:

  • Data Source: You can use this menu to select where your drop down will get its entries. Your choices are Values or List.
    • Values – The entries will go in the Values box further down in the form, similar to the way you enter data into a Combo field. (This is the default.)
      • Values: Enter the items here that will appear in the drop down menu, separated with commas. The format is the same as for a Combo field.
      • Filter By: One of the app's other fields. Pick a field name from the list. The entries in this drop down menu will be filtered by what is in that field.
    • List – The MultiSelect field will pull its data from a list, similar to a Listcombo field (see below).
      • List: Select the name of a list. When the user selects this field, the drop down will take data from the list.
      • Search Column: Choose a column from the list. The data in that column will be the entries in the drop down menu.
      • Value Column: The data that will display in the dashboard grid. This can be a different column from the Search Column. The row will be the one that the user picks, using the Search Column data.
      • Filter Column: The data that the app will look at, in order to decide how a filter is applied to this field's drop down. Again, this can be different than the Search Column.
      • Important note: the data type for all three of these columns must be string. Other kinds of data won't work.
      • Filter By: One of the app's other fields. Pick a field name from the list. The entries in this drop down menu will be filtered by what is in that field.
      • Value Selection/Allow user to enter custom text: When this box is checked, the user can type in a value by hand instead of choosing from the drop down.

Important note: Initial values are not currently supported in a MultiSelect field. Do not enter anything into the Initial Value field on the form.

Also regex validators don't work with this type of field.


A number field that supports decimals and scientific notation.


A number that will be auto-formatted into currency format.

  • Currency: Select the currency type for the field with this drop down. (If left blank, the field will default to USD.)


A date, selected from a date picker or entered by hand in date format. (Either M/D/Y or YYYY-MM-DD; in the latter case, MM and DD must be two-digit numbers.) When setting an initial value, use YYYY-MM-DD format.


A date plus a time stamp.

You can select the date from a date picker window, or you can type it in by hand. (Either MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM [AM | PM] or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM [AM | PM]. Here all digits must be given, so 02/02/2015 is acceptable but 2/2/2015 is not. If no time is specified, it will default to 00:00, i.e. midnight.

Note: The exact specification here, for use in the Initial Value field and in lists, is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZ:ZZ. E.g., 2016-06-29T16:35:00-05:00 is 4:35 PM CDT (i.e., UTC -5) on June 29, 2016. If no time zone is specified the default is UTC.

If you enter a date and time using the picker in the launch window or atom edit form, it assumes you're using your current time zone.

DateTime field displays automatically adjust for time zones. It stores the date and time using UTC, and then displays in the current user's local time. In some cases this can change the date: for example, if a user in Texas enters 10/22/2015 01:00 AM, a user in California will see 10/21/2015 11:00 PM.


A small informative text, not editable by the end user.


Longer informative text, not editable by the end user.

Note: Both Displayfield and Displaytext look at the setting in "Initial Value" when a transaction page is loaded. Changing what's there will change what is displayed in existing transactions.


Creates a Related Documents panel inside the transaction. (The label here will become the panel's name.)


Text entry, with email address format required.

  • Validator: This lets you accept or reject user input based on custom criteria. It's set up using the Advanced Designer.


A display field that allows use of HTML. You can use this to include an outside link, or put in specially-formatted text, among other things. For a list of supported tags, see Supported HTML Tags.


Creates a drop down menu of possible values, with the values coming from an imported list.

  • List: Select the name of a list. When the user selects this field, the drop down will take data from the list.
  • Search Column: Choose a column from the list. The data in that column will be the entries in the drop down menu.
  • Value Column: The data that will display in the dashboard grid. This can be a different column from the Search Column. The row will be the one that the user picks, using the Search Column data.
  • Filter Column: The data that the app will look at, in order to decide how a filter is applied to this field's drop down. Again, this can be different than the Search Column.

Important note: the data type for all three of these columns must be string. Other kinds of data won't work. Also, avoid setting Filter Column to be the same as Search Column.

  • Filter By: One of the app's other fields. Pick a field name from the list. The entries in this drop down menu will be filtered by what is in that field.
  • Value Selection/Allow user to enter custom text: When this box is checked, the user can type in a value by hand instead of choosing from the drop down.
  • Validator: This lets you accept or reject user input based on custom criteria. It's set up using the Advanced Designer.


Creates a Related Transactions panel inside the transaction.

  • Height: When you create a ManyToMany field, you create a panel in the transaction detail view. Putting a number here will limit that panel's size. If there are enough transactions in the panel to run over the size limit, some will not be displayed; a link will appear to display them all in a popup window.
  • Don't render panel: Check this box to hide the panel entirely, so that users on the transaction detail page don't see it.
  • Target app: Choose an app from the drop down menu; clicking the action button will launch it. It can be the same app that you're editing.

Note: When you name a ManyToMany field, the name must be plural. Plurals mostly end in S, but a few irregular plurals are allowed: men, women, children, data, mice, kine.


Creates a panel which displays a link to this transaction's parent transaction.

  • Height: Limits the height of the panel, as above.
  • Belongs To Filter: Set a filter here and it will limit the results shown in the drop down box. (It does need to be a filter present in the target app.)
  • Fields used to filter belongs to selection: Fields listed here are available to Liquid in the BelongsTo filter. See this tutorial.
  • Don't render on form: Check this box to prevent this field from showing on the transaction launch window.
  • Allow Grid Popup: Check this box to allow users to make selections from a popup window showing a filterable and sortable grid of records in the target app.
  • Fields to show in grid popup: Put a comma-separated list of Fields from the target app, to control what shows in the grid popup window.
  • Panel Display: Controls when users on the record view page will see the panel. Can be set to always display, never display, or display only when there's something to be displayed.
  • Don't render panel if no records: Check this box to hide the panel when it would be empty but show it when it has at least one link.
  • Target app: Choose an app from the drop down menu. This is the app that will contain the parents of this app's transactions.
  • Min Chars Before Search: If this is checked, then the drop down box will not display any results until the user has typed at least 3 characters into it, to filter the results. Note that newly create BelongsTo fields now have this on by default.


Creates a panel which displays links to this transaction's child transactions.

  • Inverse Relation: The name of the BelongsTo field in the app which will contain the child transactions.
  • Height: Limits the height of the panel, as above.
  • Cascade Delete: When this box is checked, deleting a parent atom will trigger deletion of its related atoms as well. (This happens in the background, so may take a bit of time.)
  • Don't render panel: See above.
  • Don't render panel if no records: See above.
  • Target app: Choose an app from the drop down menu. This is the app that will contain the child transactions.


A number. If the user enters a decimal, it will be rounded to the nearest whole.


Text that the user enters. It can be any length, but the details view will display only the first line.

  • Validator: This lets you accept or reject user input based on custom criteria. It's set up using the Advanced Designer.


Text that the user enters. It can be any length. The details view will display up to a height that you can choose, and allow scrolling if needed.

  • Height: The textarea's height in pixels. (If you leave this blank, the height will be 64.)
  • Validator: See above.
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