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May Require Onit Support for Enablement
OnitX CLM Word Add-In Updates
Template Management - Condition Library
OnitX CLM is making template building even easier by adding reusable conditions to a library so you generate value from your portfolio quicker. The new Condition Library inside the OnitX CLM Word Add-In allows you to write a condition once and save it for use anywhere you want. This functionality allows users to use a simple dropdown menu experience or an advance Liquid expression builder, but either way your conditions will be available for future use. As an added bonus, there is even more flexibility with additional logical operators for creating complex conditions to be saved and previewed for your contract templates.

Liquid Validation
In the OnitX CLM Word Add-In we have enhanced the condition-writing capabilities to validate your Liquid expression has valid syntax. If conditions contain bad expressions, users will have more context on what to fix or update instead of having no guidance on what to do to correct mistakes.
Bugs Fixed
- Expired DocuSign envelopes will now revert to the Author Contract phase and be unlocked for action after a two days with no action
- Clause formatting remains intact when tracked elements reside inside the body of paragraph text and will generate correctly
- Approval stamp workflow footer is correctly placed when "Different First Page" is used in Microsoft Word
- in OnitX CLM, users can now send contracts for AI review and see Catalyst playbooks to run the review against
- Latest version checked in by OnitX CLM Word Add-In always evaluates to true
May Require Services Engagement for Enablement
OnitX CLM Core Product Updates
AI Risk History App Panel
OnitX CLM has enhanced accessibility to risk details in your contracts by adding a new app panel to contract records. Now you can see how risk changes as you negotiate contracts or apply different risk dimensions by seeing risk history in a convenient app panel on the OnitX CLM record.
Updated access to show OnitX CLM app panels
Through an update we have made to out-of-the-box inherited security roles, basic user types will see all app panels for basic contract records. You’ll see all app panels you have contract access to.
Retaining Comments by Template Type
Comments will now stay in your OnitX CLM contracts with a new toggle for leaving comments in the document. We have enabled retaining comments on a template-by-template basis so customers have the flexibility to choose when it makes sense to keep comments across contract types.
OnitX CLM Document Return Enhancements
We've clarified the Document Return process to ensure a streamlined experience with updated guidance and added the customer's organization so users who receive your external review or manual signature workflow are clear on what to do and who will receive returned documents to OnitX CLM.
Other Party Visibility in OnitX CLM Grid Views
To make our customer's lives easier, we've added Other Party names to the CLM and Clause History grid view on these respective dashboards so you can identify or filter on Other Parties to get the data you need faster.
May Require License Fee and Services for Enablement
Contract Chat with Generative AI
The OnitX CLM Word Add-In now features Catalyst Chat with Generative AI so you can quickly interact with AI to glean contract details quickly and know what your contracts contain on the fly. Simply navigate to the new Catalyst Chat button in the OnitX CLM Word Add-In and start a conversation to get insights into the most important points in any of the contracts in your portfolio.

eSignature Updates
Implementing personal AdobeSign accounts when sending signature workflows
The AdobeSign signature process now has a more personalized touch with the flexibility to leverage user accounts in your organization instead of from one impersonal enterprise account. This means you can set up users in your AdobeSign account to show up as the sender on a signature workflow, and recipients now know exactly who is requesting their signature. Simply add any authorized sender inside your AdobeSign account to take advantage of this enhancement. OnitX CLM will sync users in AdobeSign to CLM on a daily basis, but we have added the ability to push senders from AdobeSign to CLM immediately as well.
Known Issues
- Sporadically users will see duplicated Clause History records during from the Import Third Party Paper process
- Clauses history records are not created for clauses inserted from third party paper contracts
- When two Other Parties are added to a record with the same email, the first Other Party's name is displayed when the second Other Party's is selected
- Sporadically the Cancel Signature Transaction button for DocuSign envelopes is not voiding some transactions
- When a CLM amendment process is cancelled, the original is not to activated nor is the user allowed to create a new amendment
- Amended and then cancelled contracts cannot be amended again
- Changing the name of a condition in the new Condition Library can introduce issues in reusability, so we recommend not changing a name at this time; this will be addressed in a future OnitX CLM release
- DocuSign Edit Signature functionality no longer working
- DocuSign signed PDF extension is duplicated in the record's filename
- Sporadic clause duplication occurs when importing Third Party records
- Key Value Setting for clause insertion parameter contains issues
- Recently Viewed items are showing unexpectedly in Template Library history