What's New
- Contract Hierarchy auto-builds when a new contract is created in CLM and/or whenever any of the data elements in the grid columns change.
- In Configuration Settings users can enable/disable the Template Approval Workflow (i.e, the OOTB workflow) and the Streamlined NDA Workflow.
- The Recurrence Types "None" and "Event Driven" have been added for Obligation Management.
- The following characters:
! @ # $ % ^ *( ) + = { } \ /< >
, are no longer accepted in new template names.
Word Add-in Enhancements
- After clause insertion, the add-in will navigate the user to the check out screen.
- As a contract negotiator, users have the option to be navigated back to the clause library after insertion of a clause into the document.
- Template administrators and contract negotiators will no be allowed to insert duplicate clauses into a single document.
- Add-in now has the ability to compare 2 documents from within the add-in using the Compare Documents button.
- Fields can now be marked as "Tracked" in the add-in.
- "Tracked" changes from the add-in are actively synced back to the Contract record.
- Clauses will be treated as their own paragraph when the rest of the paragraph is made of clauses that all have 'false' conditions.
- Users are now able to search on special characters (e.g.,
é ü ñ ; :
, and smart quotes)
Resolved Issues
- Manual sign no longer generates duplicate PDF versions.
- Streamlined executed contract no longer falls through phases.
- The "Active Version Attachment" Field now consistently populates.
- Template's named "Name" no longer have their name replaced by Liquid.
- Contract Reconciliation launch form no longer errors on submission.
- Login issue with Office 365 has been resolved.
- Obligation dashboard pie chart widget now only shows parties with obligations associated to them.
- Template link will no longer display on the Contract Template Types App dashboard if the template has been deleted.
- Users deleted from the Contract App "Other Party Contacts" tab are correctly deleted from the Other party App "Contacts" tab.
- The Field History App no longer creates duplicate fields in the template.
- The Contract Admin will now receive an email that a new third party paper contract has been created.
- Third party paper contracts now correctly change phases.
- Fields at the end of a page now evaluate during Doc Gen.
Word Add-in Resolved Issues
- User field is now visible after selecting cancel on reconciliation panel.
- Contract Created date display bug has been fixed.
- Creating a Contract Record with the NDA Workflow turned off will no longer produce duplicate documents.
- Clauses with special characters in their name no longer prevent document generation.
- Email notifications for external review contain the link to the edited document.
- The '%' and '\' symbols no longer error out the add-in search bar.
- The 'Document Compare' option will no longer display when there is only one document associated with the Record.
- Raw HTML error on a failed Onit login has been replaced with a meaningful error message.
- Errors specifying "No field history atom found" have been resolved.
- The Obligation button hides on Template Type "Templates".
- Invalid App Id's will produce helpful error messages on search.
- Comments are now correctly removed post check-in.