Onit Documentation

OnitX Legal Holds Management 3.6 Release Notes

by James Hudec Updated on

As part of the Legal Holds Management 3.6 release, we have introduced some key features to allow Preservation in Place for Dropbox and better control of release notifications.

May Require Additional Subscription and Services

New Features

Preservation in Place

  • Preserve Dropbox Data automatically with Legal Holds
    • OnitX Legal Holds Management now provides an additional preservation option for those clients with Dropbox. 
    • In the Legal Hold Settings app, the Dropbox Preservation Settings section features a new Dropbox option to Enable Dropbox Preservation.
  • When creating the Legal Hold, if Enable Dropbox Preservation is enabled, users will see options to select the date ranges to preserve data.
    • The Dropbox Preservation Start Date is required and determines how far back to preserve data.  It is essential to set it correctly to match the timeline of the legal matter.
    • The Dropbox Preservation End Date is optional.  If it is not set, the preservation will continue to preserve any documents added to Dropbox in the future.
  • The data location for all data preserved in Dropbox will be displayed in the Dropbox Data Location field in the the Custodians on Hold Report and the Legal Hold Reports.
  • When Dropbox preservation is enabled, each Onit Legal Hold appears as a Legal Hold with the same name in the Legal holds section of the Dropbox admin console.
Configuration Required - May Require Services

New Features

Release Reason

  • Capture a Reason for Release or other comment related to the release of a Custodian
    • OnitX Legal Holds Management now provides two ways to capture a Reason for Release or comment for Custodians.
      • On the Release Hold Close Information form, users can enter the appropriate text for the Reason for Release which will be applied to all Custodians that are released on that Legal Hold.
  • On the Released Custodians tab, the Reason for Release can also be updated through a Bulk Action.
    • Legal Hold provides one Reason for Release out of the box: "Custodian data is no longer relevant". This can be modified or expanded as needed through configuration.

Custodian Questions

  • Allow Custodians to ask questions prior to responding to notifications
    • OnitX Legal Holds Management now provides an option to Allow Custodians To Contact Legal Department.
      • This option can be enabled in the Contact Legal Department Settings section of the Hold Type Details page for each Legal Hold Type.
  • If enabled, this setting will add an additional option on Legal Hold Notification emails for Custodians to contact the legal department with any questions they have regarding the Legal Hold.
    • The email address created will be unique for each Legal Hold and any Attorneys or Matter Managers on that Legal Hold will be notified.
  • This communication will be tracked on the Activity Panel within the Legal Hold.
    • Responses from the Attorneys or Matter Managers will be captured as well as long as the email address for the hold is included in the reply to Custodians.

Usability Enhancements

Release Notification Customization

  • Customize the Release Notice for a single Legal Hold
    • On the Release Hold form, users can now customize the Partial Release Template for that Legal Hold to be updated with additional information.
      • This utilizes the same interface as the draft Legal Hold Notifications editor.
      • This will not update the Partial Release Template for future Release Notifications.

Issues Resolved

  • The Employee Change Table fields now are available in the data warehouse for reporting.
  • The Evaluate Calculated Field was disabled to improve performance.
  • The Legal Hold Type field was added to Fields to Watch to improve performance.
  • The do not sanitize dynamic HTML box no longer needs to be checked.
  • Google Preservation Request execution status and Request execution result are now consistently populated.
  • The Legal Hold Report can now handle migrated records with no email addresses though this is not recommended practice.
Known Product Limitations
  • There is a limit of 100 Custodians that can be preserved on Dropbox at one time.
  • Dropbox Preservation is based on server_modified time of the file not modified date of the folder.
  • When a Legal Hold is released from Dropbox, the Custodian still shows active on the Hold but the Hold itself is released.
  • The Dropbox Data Location field is populated at the time of the Legal Hold creation and may not reflect additional folders that are added to Dropbox during the preservation date range.
  • The customized Release Notice is only available when the Legal Hold is being released, not when individual Custodians are being released.
Previous Article OnitX Legal Holds Management 3.5 Release Notes

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