Onit Documentation

OnitX Legal Holds Management 3.5 Release Notes

by James Hudec Updated on

As part of the Legal Holds Management 3.5 release, we have improved performance and responded to customer feedback to improve our Custodian Intake and Notification Approval workflows as well as our Preservation Logs.

Configuration Required - May Require Services

New Features

Hold Reason

  • Capture a Hold Reason or other comment related to the addition of new Custodians
    • OnitX Legal Holds Management now provides two ways to capture a Hold Reason or comment for Custodians.
      • On the Custodian Intake form, users can select the option for Hold Reason and enter the appropriate text for the Hold Reason which will be applied to all Custodians for that Intake set.


  • On the Unacknowledged Custodians, Acknowledged Custodians, and Released Custodians tabs, the Hold Reason can be updated through a Bulk Action.
    • Legal Hold provides two Hold Reasons out of the box:  "Relevant Witness" and "Application Owner".  These can be modified or expanded as needed through configuration.
  • On the Preview Custodians or Revise Custodians tab, the Hold Reason field can be manually edited as needed at the Custodian level.
  • The Hold Reason field is not visible on these tabs by default but can be added through the Select Fields option.

New Approval Preview

  • View the final notification for approval
    • When a Legal Hold notification is sent for approval, the approver can now click on the new Preview Notice tab to see a more finalized version of the notification that includes most of the tokens filled in with their appropriate value.
    • The Custodian Name and Custodian List tokens will still appear as tokens as those details are not finalized until the Legal Hold is created but all other tokens will be populated with their appropriate value.
    • Any changes made on the Draft Notice tab will immediately update the Preview Notice tab.

Usability Enhancements

Additional Options when Adding Custodians by Importing from a List

  • Easily capture Silent Hold Status during Custodian Intake
    • Users that utilize the Add By Importing from a List function for Custodian Intake can now capture a mix of Silent Custodians and Standard Custodians in one spreadsheet.
    • The Legal Hold Custodian Import Template now contains an additional "Is Silent" field.  
      • This field is a Yes \ No field where a value of Yes will capture the Custodian as a Silent Custodian while a value of No will capture the Custodian as a Standard Custodian.
      • This field can be left blank if not needed and all Custodians without a value will be considered Standard Custodians.

Improved Preservation Logs

  • View more up to date detail of preservation status
    • When Preservation fails because a specific Custodian does not have an account on that system, the error message will include that information so the preservation doesn't need to be rerun.
  • Additionally, if Preservation is disabled manually from outside OnitX Legal Holds Management, a Preservation Status Check can be run that will capture that information in the Preservation Logs.
    • These entries will appear as Request Type Preservation Status Check and will indicate a Failure Status until the preservation is restored or the Custodian is released.

Issues Resolved

  • The "Custodian added or Revised in the Revision" option no longer appears as an option during Hold Revision if no Custodians were added.
  • Removed unnecessary Calculated Fields to improve performance.
  • Removed duplicative Business Rules to improve performance.
  • Updated all Legal Holds apps to be using FormsBuilder.
  • Emails are now validated prior to sending out notifications.
    • The Is Valid Email field will appear in the Preview Custodians tab to highlight any invalid emails.
    • This basic validation confirms that each email imported includes a . and a @ symbol.  Further validation can be customized as needed but may impact performance.
    • Users will be prevented from sending out Notifications until all invalid emails are corrected or released.
Known Product Limitations
  • Bulk Actions for updating Hold Reason are pre-set values that can be updated only through config.  These actions only affect the Unacknowledged Custodians, Acknowledged Custodians, Released Custodians, and Silent Custodians tabs.  The Preview Custodians and Revise Custodians tabs can be manually edited for Hold Reason but will not display the results of Bulk Actions performed on the other tabs.
  • When the Preservation Sync detects a failure due to a custodian that is no longer preserved, that failure will appear again each time the sync is run.  If the issue is corrected, no success message will appear, but the subsequent syncs wont add another failure record.
  • The Preservation Sync only runs on active matters, so if a matter is deleted from an external system without first releasing holds in the matter, the sync will not detect the custodians that are no longer preserved in that matter.
  • If a 500 Internal Server Error occurs during preservation, Legal Holds will attempt to retry one more time before reporting an error.  If the error persists, user will have to resolve in the preservation application.
Previous Article OnitX Legal Holds Management 3.4 Release Notes

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