Onit Documentation

Legal Hold Templates User Guide

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Onit's Templates feature within Legal Holds enables users to quickly create customized Legal Hold templates for a wide range of Legal Hold needs.

Here, well take you step-by-step through the process of creating a Legal Hold Template.

1. Log into Onit Legal Holds and click on Templates on the left-hand-side menu.

2. On the Templates page, you'll see any existing Templates already created. Click the blue Add button on the upper right and then on New Template to create a new template.

3. The Create Template screen will appear.

4. Fill out a Template Name (this is required).

5. Select the Template Type.

You have several different options here: 

  • Regular Hold – Lets the recipient know they are on standard Legal Hold as a custodian. The first notification custodians would get on a Legal Hold.  
  • Administrative Hold – Designed for the organization’s administrative staff – IT, system admins, etc. – to alert them about a Legal Hold and provide instructions about what parts of the system (a server or Dropbox, for example) should be put on hold.  
  • Reminder – Reminds custodians that they are still on a Legal Hold. This is generally set up quarterly or yearly.  
  • Acknowledgement – Reminds custodians that they are on a Legal Hold AND they have not acknowledged the Hold yet.  
  • Escalation – An email that goes to the Legal Hold custodian’s manager if the custodian has not acknowledged the Legal Hold.  
  • Partial Release – A notification that the custodian has been released from a specific Legal Hold. 
  • Full Release – A notification that the custodian has been released from ALL their Legal Holds.  
  • CC – A way to let other participants that are NOT Custodians on the Legal Hold see what is going on with the Hold process.  

6. After you select the Template Type you can also upload an Attachment to the template and click the checkbox next to Private to mark the template as private.  

7. When you're done, click on Submit to create the template.

8. On the Templates screen, click into your created template. Note that templates are typically grouped by type (Regular Hold, Administrative Hold, etc.).

Note that you can also click on the Select Fields and Filter options to adjust what you would like to see on the screen.

9. On your created template, click on Edit to customize the Template.

10. On the top of the Test Template, you can edit the Template Name and Template Type.

11. Fill out the Subject Line (required) and the Memo (text of the actual email). Note that users can copy and paste from the provided list of tokens above the Subject Line to use specific pre-populated Custodian, Legal Hold, and Matter information in the notice.

Additionally, the bar above the Memo field provides several different formatting options for how text should appear in the email (bold, italic, underline, insert image, etc.).

12. At the bottom of the Test Template screen, you can add an Attachment if not already added when creating the template. You can also check the box to Allow editing by owner of Legal Hold which will allow the Template to be customized for each Legal Hold. You can also check or uncheck the box to mark the entire template as Private.

NOTE: If you add an Attachment, users will receive an email with a link to the file.

13. Once you're done updating the template, click on Update.

14. In the Template screen, you can also use the right-hand screen to view the current phase, Copy Template, or view the document history under View History.

Click on Activate to make this template Active. A template must be active to be used for Legal Holds and Legal Hold Types.

After you've activated the template, you can Deactivate it by clicking a button on the right-hand column.

15. Finally, under the Related Hold Type tab, you'll be able to see where this template is being used.

For more on using / viewing Legal Hold Templates, read our Legal Hold Types User Guide.

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