Onit Documentation

Legal Hold Types User Guide

by James Hudec Updated on

Onit's Legal Hold Types feature within Legal Holds enables users to assign created Legal Hold Templates to different types of Legal Holds, making it easy for organizations to create repeatable processes for similar Legal Holds.

Here, well take you step-by-step through the process of creating a Legal Hold Type.

1. Log into Onit Legal Holds and click on Legal Hold Types on the left-hand-side menu. 

2. On the Legal Hold Types page, you'll see any existing Legal Hold Types already created. Click the blue Add button on the upper right and then on New Legal Hold Type to create a new Legal Hold Type.

3. The New Hold Type page will appear.

4. Fill in the Name of your Legal Hold Type. This is required.

5. Pick out the Default Notice Templates you’d like to use for this Legal Hold Type from their drop-down menus. By default, the first alphabetical option for each template will be selected.  There are options for six different types of notifications here: 

  • Initial Hold (this is the only required one) - Lets the recipient know they are on standard Legal Hold as a custodian. The first notification custodians would get on a Legal Hold. 
  • Hold Reminder - Reminds custodians that they are still on a Legal Hold.  
  • Acknowledgement Reminder - Reminds custodians that they are on a Legal Hold AND they have not acknowledged the Legal Hold yet. 
  • Escalation - An email that goes to the Legal Hold custodian’s manager if the custodian has not responded to the Legal Hold. 
  • Partial Release - A notification that the custodian has been released from a specific Legal Hold. 
  • Full Release - A notification that the custodian has been released from ALL of their Legal Holds. 

Note: If you haven't created any templates for a specific notification type, these drop-down menus will be blank and contain a warning saying that leaving this template blank will result in blank emails being sent.

Note that these types of notifications correspond to the different types of Templates you create. For example: Regular or Administration Hold Templates will show up under Initial Hold, Reminders will show up under the Hold Reminder drop-down menu, and so forth.

6. If necessary, pick out the Default Survey Template you'd like to use with the Legal Hold Type.

7. Click on Submit to set up your Legal Hold Type.

8. On the main Legal Hold Types page, you can get a quick snapshot of your existing Legal Hold Types.

Note that you can also click on the Select Fields and Filter options to adjust what you would like to see on the screen.

9. Click into your created Legal Hold Type for further customization options. 

10. On the main Test Legal Hold Type page, you can Add Participant(s), View History, post a comment, and see activity. By clicking Edit, you can edit the main details to the Legal Hold Type; you can also modify the Contact Legal Department Settings and set the Allow Custodians to Contact Legal Department option through a checkbox.

11. Click on the Hold Type Settings tab to make changes for Reminder, Escalation, and Hold Reissue Settings. Click the Edit button to make any changes.

12. On the Reminder Settings, you can modify: 

  • The Hold Reminder Interval and Hold Reminder Units. This will designate how often recipients will receive reminders that they are still on Legal Holds. Users can pick from days, months, or years. In the example below, the custodian will receive a reminder every six months.  
  • The Acknowledgement Reminder Interval and Acknowledgement Reminder Units. This will designate how often recipients will receive reminders that they still need to acknowledge they are on a Legal Hold. Users can pick from days, months, or years. In the example below, the custodian will receive an acknowledgement reminder every week (seven days).

13. On the Escalation Settings, you can use the check box to enable / disable escalations and modify: 

  • The Escalation Interval and Escalation Units. This will set the length of time between escalation emails – notifications to a specific person that the custodian has not acknowledged their Legal Hold. Users can pick from days, months, or years. In the example below, the person will receive an escalation notice every month. 
  • The Escalation Point, or the specific person the escalation should go to.
  • The Escalation Preference. Users can either choose to send the escalation once or continue to escalate until the Hold is acknowledged.

14. On the Hold Reissue Settings, you can use the check box to enable or disable reissuing the Hold and modify:

  • The Reissue Interval and Reissue Units. This will set the length of time between reissued Holds. Users can pick from days, months, or years. In the example below, the person will receive a new Legal Hold notice every year.
  • Whether a User or Matter Manager should get a notification when the Legal Hold gets reissued.

15. Finally, users can check or uncheck the Require Approval for Notices box. If checked, this will send the Hold to a designated person (you can select between a specific Name or a Role, both picked from a drop-down box) for review before distribution. You can also check or uncheck a box to Send Notifications once Approved. This would allow the hold notification to be sent out after approval without returning to the Review and Send step of the Legal Hold setup.

16. Click on Update to save your settings.

17. Once you use the Legal Hold Type in a Legal Hold, you'll see another tab on the Hold Type screen called Related Legal Holds. On this screen, youll be able to see the different Holds in which this Hold Type has been used. You can also use the top-left toolbars Select Fields and Filter options to adjust what you would like to see on the screen.

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