Onit Documentation

Legal Hold Reports User Guide

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Onit's Legal Hold Reports feature enables users to quickly generate comprehensive status reports on their Legal Holds, helping to ensure and display accountability through the process. 

Here, well take you through everything you need to know about the Legal Hold Reports feature.

1. Open the Legal Hold Reports application on the left-hand side menu of Onit Legal Holds. The Legal Hold Report page will open.

Here, you will get a quick snapshot of all existing Legal Hold reports. You can use the right-hand toolbar to customize your view through the Filter type and the Select Fields button. Export will allow you to export attachments and export the grid in a CSV or Excel format.

Note that you can also click Save View to save your customized view setup.

2. Click on the Add sign and then on New Legal Hold Report to create a new Legal Hold report.

3. The create Legal Hold Report page will appear. Fill in a name for your Legal Hold Report and click on Run Report.

4. The created Legal Hold Report page will appear. The main part of the screen is the Legal Hold Report builder; click on Expand in order to expand the builder to its own screen.

5. The Report Name will be automatically filled in (you can edit the name, if necessary, here). Start typing in the Matter name until the Matter appears in the  drop-down menu.

6. In the Legal Hold Criteria section, you can set the Hold Status for the report. You have three options here: Active, All, or Closed.

7. Start typing in a Hold Type to select different Hold Types from the drop-down menu. Click the X next to added hold types to remove the selection.

8. Choose the Hold Silent options. You have three options here: Both, No, and Yes.

NOTE: A Silent Hold is a Legal Hold where the custodians are NOT identified that they are on the Hold. This can be done for internal investigations where the custodian should not know their data is being preserved and collected.

9. Choose the Hold Start and Hold End date ranges by typing in the values or using the calendar date picker.

10. Select the specific Holds from the drop-down menu as needed to further refine the search.

11. Edit the remaining options on the right-hand side of the screen so that the report displays the pertinent information for you.

For Custodian Criteria, you can choose to include all custodians for the matter.

If you uncheck the box, you will be able to include custodians sorted by either Status or Custodian Name. For Status, you can add in Not Acknowledged, Acknowledged, None, Released, or Silent as options. Select as many options as needed and click on the X to remove any of the added options.

For Custodian Name, you will get a drop-down menu where you can select the names of the custodians to include.

For Survey Criteria, you can choose to show all the survey details inline with their custodian(s) by checking or unchecking the Show Surveys Inline with Custodian box.

Additionally, you can check the Include All Surveys box to include every associated survey in the report or uncheck it to select the status of surveys to include from the drop-down menu  — Complete, Pending, or None. Select as many options as needed and click on the X to remove any of the added options.

For  Correspondence Criteria, you have the option of showing all the correspondence details inline with their custodian(s) by checking or unchecking the  Show Correspondence Inline with Custodian box. You can also include a short correspondence preview of the actual notifications in the report by checking or unchecking the Show Correspondence Preview box.

Additionally, you can check the Include All Correspondence box to include all associated correspondence in the report or uncheck it to select the type or status of correspondence to include from the drop-down menus.

Correspondence types include Acknowledge Reminder Notice, Hold Reminder Notice, Full Release Notice, Hold Escalation Notice, Initial Hold Notice, Partial Release Notice, Reissued Hold Notice, and Revised Hold Notice.

Select as many options as needed and click on the X to remove any of the added options.

Correspondence statuses include Force Sent, Not Sent, None, Notifications Suspended and Sent.

Select as many options as needed and click on the X to remove any of the added options.

Select the Report Display Format. The Simplified view is a basic summary chart view of each custodian on the hold which only shows five fields: Custodian, Email, Status, Notice Sent Date, and Date Acknowledged.

The Detailed view detailed view makes a section for each custodian with more fields captured like Contact Type, Silent, and Hold Dates.

NOTE: Correspondence and Correspondence Previews will not show up in the Simplified view even if the Show Correspondence Inline With Custodian and Show Correspondence Preview options are selected.

12. Once you have all your fields set, click on Calculate Holds to see how many holds will be included in this report. If there are more than 15 Legal Holds in the search criteria, the report may generate slowly, so you may want to refine your search accordingly.

You have several other buttons on the Legal Hold Report page you can use. The upper right-hand toolbar allows you to Edit (in HTML code), Refresh and (Re)Run, Save, or Print the report.

On the right-hand side of the page, you can see the Phase of the report, Mark the Report as Read-Only (un-editable), click on More Actions to View History, Post Comment, view Activity, and see Participants.

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