Onit Documentation

Legal Hold Surveys User Guide

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Onit's Surveys feature within Legal Holds enables users to quickly create customized interrogatory questionnaires for custodians and others involved in a Legal Hold.

Here, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of creating a Legal Hold survey.

1. Log into Onit Legal Holds and click on Surveys on the left-hand-side menu.

2. On the Surveys page, you'll see any existing Surveys already created. Click the blue Add button on the upper right and then on New Survey to create a new survey.

3. The Create Request page will appear. Fill out the Survey Name and click Submit.

4. On the Survey screen, click on the Survey Name to enter your created survey.

5. The individual Survey screen will appear. Click on the Survey Builder tab to start creating the survey.

6. You can either create the survey right on the web page or click on the Expand button to work on a separate pop-out screen.

7. Your Survey Builder screen has several different options on it:

  • Add Question adds a new question to the survey 
  • Add Section adds a new section header to that part of the survey 
  • Expand All (down arrows) and Collapse All (up arrows) expand and collapse the questions or sections displayed on the screen.  
  • Preview (eye icon) will pop up a preview of the in-progress survey. 
  • Save will save your survey’s progress. Note that simply saving the survey will not make the survey available to a Legal Hold; you need to finalize and hit Publish (see next bullet) for that to occur.  
  • Publish will publish your survey and make it available to add to a Legal Hold. 

NOTE: Onit’s Autosave feature will automatically save your progress every three minutes. Only valid data will be saved. You can adjust this setting as needed in the Questionnaire Preferences section of the Legal Holds Settings. 

8. When you click on Add Question, the Add Question screen will appear.

Start by selecting the question type you would like to add. You have five different options here: 

  • Short Text is for brief questions with a 300-character limit. 
  • Long Text is for longer, more detailed questions with a 1500-character limit. 
  • Radio allows the custodian to pick from several different pre-written options. 
  • Mult-select allows the custodian to select one or multiple pre-written options. 
  • Attachment allows the custodian to upload a file with their response. 

There are also several options on the Question Type toolbar to know about: 

  • Clicking on Required will make answering the question mandatory for any custodian.  
  • Click the Copy Question button to duplicate the question. This is helpful when you are asking many similar questions / formats in a row.  
  • Click on Delete Question to remove the question. 

For the Radio question type, you can add many different options the custodian can choose from by clicking on Add Option. Click on the arrows next to each option to move the choice up or down. Click on the trash can on the far right to remove the choice entirely.

You can also click on Add Other to give the custodian an option to fill in their own answer to the question.

It will show up under the choices as Other.

You can add Conditional Questions to any or all of your choices by clicking on the three-box icon next to the choice fields.

Think of these as "If...than..." questions. For example, for the first response, if the custodian answered "Pancakes, you could prompt the survey to then ask, "What type of pancakes? "

NOTE: You have the same menu of question options (Short Text, Long Text, Radio, Multi Select, Attachment) for these conditional questions.

You can add up to three levels for these questions. Keeping the example going, if the custodian answered "Silver Dollar" for the 2nd-level question, you could then prompt the survey to ask a "Tell me about your favorite silver dollar pancake experience" Short Text question to the custodian.

Note that the Multi-Select option allows custodians to provide more than one answer to a question. For example, if the user asked a "What are your favorite bagel toppings?" multi-select question, they could answer with all of the different toppings they enjoy.

You can add the same conditional options to a multi-select question, just as you would for a radio question.

Continue to add questions until you are done with the survey or the section.

9. Click on Add Section to add a new section to the survey. Fill in a name for your section. By clicking the B next to the name field, you can bold or un-bold the section name.

Clicking on the trash can deletes the section.

Repeat step until finished adding sections. Click on the arrows next to each section to move the section up and down in the Survey Builder.

You can also use the arrows next to each question to move them to different sections within the survey.

Just a reminder that clicking the Preview button at any time will allow you to check in on how the survey looks.

10. Once you are done with the survey, click on Publish to finalize.

Click on Yes to publish the survey.

11. You can edit the existing survey within the Survey Builder screen.

Additionally, you'll be able to see a quick snapshot of the survey information and its status on the Survey screen.

Click on the Select Fields and Filter options to adjust what you would like to see on the Survey screen.

Using the Survey

There are a few different ways to deploy your new survey. To add it to a template — each type of Legal Hold — log into Legal Hold Types and click on the Hold Type you would like to add the survey too.

Under the Hold Type Details tab, click the drop-down menu under Survey Template in the Set Survey Template section and pick out the survey you would like to assign to this Hold Type.

Click on Update to finalize setting the survey.

You can also add a survey directly to a new Legal Hold you've created. On the new Legal Hold screen, just click the button next to Send Survey With Hold Notice and select your desired survey from the drop-down menu in the Custodian Questionnaire section. Click Submit to finalize once you've filled in all the Legal Hold information.

Once deployed, a custodian would have to answer the survey questions in order to acknowledge the Legal Hold. They can do this by either clicking on the link in the Legal Hold notification or by logging into the Custodian Dashboard and then clicking on the Survey Response section of the corresponding Legal Hold.

The survey will appear under Custodian Response.

You can see survey responses provided by custodians in its Legal Hold. First, click into the Hold you want to see the responses for.

You can see all of the responses under the Survey Responses tab. Use the toolbar next to Actions to modify the fields and filters to your liking.  These responses can also be exported n a CSV or Excel format using the Export button.

Next Article Legal Hold Reports User Guide

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