Onit Documentation

Summer Release 2024 (Part 1)

by Apoorva Sathe Updated on

Available on Release

What's New

The Best Practice Templates have been enhanced with more features that cater to the requests voiced by our customers. We now support adding up to three custom filters to the Best Practice Templates, providing more flexibility with the interactive filters. These enhanced dashboards will be released to all ELM customers on July 20th, 2024.

Spend Suite Template
  • The 'Invoice Line Item Grid' now includes a column called 'Tax Code Description,' allowing users to easily see the tax codes associated with tax amounts.
  • Users now have the ability to export 'Line Item Details' for invoices with errors from the 'Invoice Grid View - Errors.' This view can be accessed by clicking on the amount in the Errors aggregation button. The export will include only those line items that have associated errors, ensuring that users focus solely on line items requiring attention.
  • Users now have the ability to export 'Line Item Details' for invoices with warnings from the 'Invoice Grid View - Warnings.' This view can be accessed by clicking on the amount in the Warnings aggregation button. The export will include only those line items that have associated warnings, ensuring that users focus only on line items requiring attention.
Vendor Suite Template (Beta)
  • The 'View By' chart now enables users to toggle between Matters and Timekeepers, allowing for a deep dive into the details of either Matters or Timekeepers for the selected dimension in the 'Group By' chart.
  • The 'Invoice Line Item Grid' now includes a column called 'Tax Code Description,' allowing users to easily see the tax codes associated with tax amounts.
  • Users now have the ability to export 'Line Item Details' for invoices with errors from the 'Invoice Grid View - Errors.' This view can be accessed from the Errors KPI on the main dashboard or the Errors aggregation button placed at the bottom of the single Vendor Analytics dashboard. The export will include only those line items that have associated errors, ensuring that users focus solely on line items requiring attention.
  • Users now have the ability to export 'Line Item Details' for invoices with warnings from the 'Invoice Grid View - Warnings.' This view can be accessed from the Warnings KPI on the main dashboard or the Warnings aggregation button placed at the bottom of the single Vendor Analytics dashboard. The export will include only those line items that have associated warnings, ensuring that users focus solely on line items requiring attention.


  • Rate Trend Analytics: The Rate Trend Analytics dashboard offers interactive filters and sorting options to analyze rates across vendors and staff classifications for the past 5 years. The trends on the bubble chart and line chart can now be viewed in different orientations - Vendor/Staff Classification, Staff Classification/Vendor or Vendor (irrespective of the staff classification)
  • Vendor Comparison dashboard has an additional 'Matter Phase' filter that enables comparing vendors based on selected metrics such as Spend, Hours, Avg Rates, # of Matters Billed, Errors %, Warnings % and more for Open or Closed matters.
Known Product Limitations
  • The Beta version of the Vendor Suite Template does not support fiscal year configuration and row-level security. These features will be added in the production ready version of the template. We are committed to delivering the production ready version of the Best Practice - Vendor Suite Template in our Fall 24 Release.
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