What is included in the release?
New features
We are pleased to release an enhanced and performant version of the Matter Suite after implementing the feedback that we received from our customers as enhancement requests or product requests. We have also updated the Spend Suite Template with some valuable enhancements. The Matter Suite Template and Spend Suite Template will be available to all reporting customers after our Fall Part 1 release which is scheduled for Nov 4th.
Matter Suite Template – Tableau
- Detailed enhancements and new features of Matter Suite are as follows:
- New look for Matter Suite Template for better user experience and performance optimization:
- Left aligned KPIs to be consistent with Spend Suite look and feel
- Dashboard fits the page and scrolling has been eliminated
- Grid Reports can be accessed through navigation buttons placed at the bottom of the dashboard for each report
- Matter level Group By’s have been incorporated on the main dashboard so user does not have to drill down to another level to get to the Group By’s
- Matter Search:
- Introducing Matter Search feature across the Template, allowing users to easily search for a Matter within the dashboard based on Matter Name or Matter Number
- Introducing New Filters:
- Country
- Matter Phase
- Area of Law
- Matter Type
- Matter Subtype 1
- Matter Subtype 2
- Multi-Select Date Filters :
- Users can now multi-select Years, Quarters, and Months for the last 5 years, providing flexibility in analyzing year over year data.
- Date Filters can now cascade down e.g. If user selects Q1 from Quarter filter, Months filter will only display months of Q1
- New KPIs for Opened Matters and Blended Rate along with a static Monthly % Change (Current Months vs Previous Month)
- Enhanced ‘View Matters’ Drill-Down Feature:
- Introducing 'View Matters’ drill-down feature accessible through all the visualizations within Matter Suite, enabling a direct access to Matters data
- Matters Opened vs Matters Closed Comparison :
- Switch to Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly view of Matters Opened vs Matters Closed within the same visualization to analyze patterns and quickly drill-down to matters for a specific time frame
- Interactive Color Legends:
- Implementation of clickable color legends for easy filtering based on Matter Phase across the dashboard.
- Group By 2 and Select Metric :
- Additional grouping capability that enables grouping and analyzing the matters at two levels using Group By 1 and Group By 2 respectively
- When Group By 2 is set to Matter, the visualization provides an ability to ‘Open Matter’ in Onit or ‘View Matter Analytics’ via tooltips
- Enhanced {Group By 1} Metrics Grid :
- Additional filters along with the ability to multi-select Years/Quarters/Month at the grid level
- Matter Status Report :
- Provides Status updates for all matters that belong to the Group By for a specific time frame
- Users can Include/Exclude Status Updates for matters by setting the Start and End Dates
- Matter Name search can be used to extract all the Status updates for a particular matter
- Matter # hyperlink can be used to navigate to the Single Matter Analytics dashboard or to open a matter in Onit
- Matter Status Report can be exported for further analysis by clicking on ‘Export Grid’
- Enhanced Matters Grid View:
- Additional filters and Grand Total Boxes
- Rows are no longer grouped allowing users to use the exports without any further manipulation of export files.
- Single Matter Analytics Dashboard:
- Navigate to ‘View Matter Analytics’ to deep dive into a single matter through Group By 2 – Matter visualization tooltip or by clicking on the Matter # hyperlink on the Matters Grid View
- Multi-Select Date Filters :
- Users can now multi-select Years, Quarters, and Months for the last 5 years, providing flexibility in analyzing year over year data.
- Date Filters can now cascade down e.g. If user selects Q1 from Quarter filter, Months filter will only display months of Q1
- Additional KPI for Blended Rate
- Spend Over Time Comparison
- Switch to Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly view within the same visualization to anlayze and compare spend for a single matter
- Budget Tracking
- Ability to efficiently track Time Specific or Life of Matter budget for a single matter
- Note that Onit’s standard Budgets App needs to be configured within ELM for Budget Tracking chart to be visible on the Matter Analytics dashboard
- Spend Aggregate Breakdown by Line-Item Types
- Navigation to ‘View Invoices’ along with the ability to filter and Export associated invoices
- Disputed and Voided Invoices have been excluded from all Spend calculations
- Onit Security has been applied to the Matter Suite Template. This will allow users to only view matters/ invoices through Matter Suite Template that they have access to within Onit applications. (Please reach out to support to turn it on)
- New look for Matter Suite Template for better user experience and performance optimization:
Spend Suite Template – Tableau
- Ability to navigate to the Matter Suite Template:
- Users can drill down through the Vendor/Matter Hierarchy to look at the spend details for matters associated to the vendors and utilize the tooltips on matters to navigate to ‘View Matter Analytics’ for a direct and deeper analysis of a single matter
- This action opens the Single Matter Analytics dashboard embedded into the Matter Suite Template
- Invoices Grid View:
- Addition of KPI boxes for ‘# of Invoices’ and ‘Adjustments’
- Addition of ‘Payment Date’ column into the Invoices Grid View