Onit Documentation


by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Hovering over an issue, you get the same options you saw from Groups: Ribbon to mark as important, Pencil to edit an issue, and Trashcan to delete an issue. Note that deleting an issue will NOT delete them all, like deleting a group.

Creating an Issue is the same as a group. Click "Create issue" at the bottom. 

NOTE: You can not move issues between groups. You would need to create it under a different group.

Issues have more fields inside of them:

  • Name the Issue (similar to a group.
  • A place for Notes. These are internal notes only; you can use them for guidance or anything else you wish. There are a few formatting options for you.
  • Positions are a field to add your chosen language and quickly insert into the contract.
  • Click the plus sign to the right of positions to pull up your Clause Library.
  • Find the clause you want to use and click the plus sign to the right of the clause to add it to Positions, and then click "Done."
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