Onit Documentation

Playbook Manager Options

by Stoney Lowstetter Updated on

When you click on Playbook Manager, you will have a new window of options to be looking at.

  1. Your list of Checklists that you have
  2. You can create a Checklist by clicking the "Create checklist" button.
  3. Then you have the Ellipses button, with its list of options:
    • Edit Checklist Template - to edit an already created Checklist.
    • Duplicate - Duplicate a Checklist to have an extra to customize another freely without worrying about messing up the original.
    • Delete - Delete a Checklist from your list
    • Discard Draft - If you have been editing a Checklist and decide you do not want to keep any of those edits, you can delete the draft but keep the original Checklist.
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