Onit Documentation

Flat Fee by Task Code User Guide

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Onit's Flat Fee by Task Code application allows clients to easily limit vendors to a set fee per task using the standard UTMBS-based codes or custom codes. These fixed price tasks are generally defined in a retention letter or similar type of supplier agreement between the client and vendor; this is especially helpful for keeping costs for certain tasks (analysis/strategy, for example) under control and standardized for anyone to contribute.

Here, we will take you step-by-step through using the Flat Fee by Task Code application.

SETUP NOTE: An Onit implementation specialist will need to enable Flat Fee by Task Code feature in BillingPoint and in Onit before use.

Using Flat Fee by Task Code

1. Click on the Flat Free by Code Settings application and then on Flat Fee by Code Settings

2. Select the Task Code you wish to create the flat fee for.

NOTE: Flat fees can be set for both standard and custom task codes, but the code must first be set up within the system before a flat fee can be added for that code.

The Task Description will automatically populate once the code is selected.

4. Select the Jurisdiction Description (the country for which the flat fee is applicable).

The Jurisdiction Code will automatically populate.

5. Fill in the Unit Rate amount. This is the flat-fee, agreed-upon amount the vendor will charge for a specific service.

NOTE: Negative values are not accepted.

7. Select the Currency Unit that should correspond to the fee.

8. Finally, select the Vendor the fee should apply to.

NOTE: If you leave the Vendor section blank, it will apply to any vendor that bills in the selected jurisdiction.

9. Click on Create Flat Fee to create the fee.

Repeat process until all fees are created.

You can view, archive, and delete flat fees at the bottom of the Flat Fee by Task Code screen.

NOTE: Once a flat fee by task code is created, only the unit rate and vendor can be edited.

Additionally, you can use an Excel sheet to bulk upload flat fees. To do this, just click on Download in the upper right-hand corner.

You'll get an Excel document filled out with the Flat Fee headings.

Once you are done filling in the information, click on Upload to bulk upload the fees.

NOTE: In order to enable flat fees, the Flat Fee by Task Code arrangement must be selected during the Vendor Assignment to Matters (VATM) process.

On future invoices for vendors with determined flat fees for the specified jurisdiction, effective rates will automatically adjust based on the uploaded fees. It will also allow billing above the timekeeper approved task rate, as long as it is equal to the flat fee task code.

NOTE: The jurisdiction utilizes the Bill To Legal Entity on the matter.

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