Onit Documentation

How to Request a Budget from a Vendor (Legacy)

by Christina Moore Updated on

When a vendor is assigned to a matter you have the option to request a budget from the vendor.            

If you choose to request a budget from the vendor a Send Notification Action on the Vendor Assignment to Matters App named Request Budget from Vendor will send the anonymous launch link to the vendor. For more information on anonymous launch links see this tutorial.

Note: A vendor may submit invoices before they submit a budget on the matter. 

If you do not request a budget from the vendor you must create a budget from within Onit by navigating to the Matter/Vendor Record and clicking Add Budget.  

If you did not request a budget from the vendor on matter creation you still have the option to request a budget from the vendor after the matter is created. You can request the budget on the Matter/Vendor Record.  

You can view your budget requests made to vendors in the Vendor Provided Updates App.

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