Approving an Invoice
The environment is configured with one button for approving invoices: Approve Invoice.
Clicking Approve Invoice causes the following dialog box to appear:
When an invoice Record in Onit has received all of its required approvals it will move into the Approved Phase. During this Phase, a few actions are triggered:
- The invoice’s approved_date Field is updated via the When Phase is approved, Set Approved Date Business Rule.
The status of the corresponding invoice Record in BillingPoint is also updated to Approved via a Business Rule named When Phase is approved, Approve Invoice at PSB. This will cause the invoice to appear as “approved” to the vendor in BillingPoint, as seen below:
The Phase of Onit’s invoice Record is automatically moved forward to Determine Payment by the Business Rule named Phase is Approved Change to Determine Payment (this important Phase will be described in more detail later in this document).
Rejecting an Invoice
The environment is configured with one button for rejecting invoices: Reject.
Clicking Reject causes the following dialog box to appear:
Once an invoice has been rejected, the following Participant Rejected Business Rules will fire:
- An email is sent to the vendor notifying them of the rejection through a Business Rule name Participant Rejected.
- The Add reject comment to BillingPoint Business Rule adds any rejection comment made on the Onit invoice Record to the corresponding BillingPoint Record.
- The Change Phase to Disputed Business Rule changes the Onit Record’s Phase to be Disputed.
Upon entering the Disputed Phase, the following Transaction Phase Change Business Rules will fire:
- The When Phase is disputed, Change PSB state to Dispute Invoice Business Rule changes the invoice object in BillingPoint to appear as “disputed” to the vendor:
- The When Disputed, Change Phase of Payments to Disputed Business Rule changes the Phase of the child Record in the Invoice Payment App to also be Disputed.
Once a BillingPoint invoice Record’s status has been updated to Disputed, the vendor can either edit the invoice and resubmit it or void the invoice.
Resubmitting an Invoice
When an invoice fails, the vendor must edit and resubmit it for approval. To do so, they must navigate to the failed invoice and click the Edit Invoice button.
Clicking Edit Invoice will cause the following dialogue box to appear. Click Ok.
Once the vendor has fixed errors on the invoice, click Update at the very bottom of the invoice
Once the invoice has been updated, the vendor must click the Send button at the top to resubmit.
If the invoice is resubmitted successfully, the vendor should see a yellow Submitting flag on the top left of the invoice.
When a vendor resubmits an invoice by default, the corresponding Record in Onit’s Invoices App is set back to the New Phase.
Important: You can (and should) configure your Invoices App to push a resubmitted invoice to whatever Phase is appropriate for your workflow. To do so, add a new Change Phase Action to the Invoice Resubmission Actions Conditional Compound Action (CCA).
Voiding an Invoice
If a vendor voids an invoice, the invoice object in BillingPoint and the Phase of the Invoices Record in Onit will be set to Voided.
To void an invoice, click the Void Invoice button at the top of the invoice.
Once voided, an invoice will have a red flag on the top left corner that says Voided.
An invoice's workflow ends once a vendor voids it. It is not possible to return a voided invoice to a previous state/Phase. Additionally, an invoice can only be voided during the approval process of its lifecycle; it cannot be voided past this point.