Onit Documentation

Top 10 Tips Every Onit Admin Should Know

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Top 10 Tips Every Onit Admin Should Know

Creating a User

SSO v Login

SSO automatically creates a User Profile Record and User Record, admins only need to customize the corporation level privileges and set Group Preferences.

Users added via login automatically have a User Record created and will be sent a welcome email to create credentials, work needs to be done to customize corporation privileges and create a User Profile Record.   

Password Issues:

  • In order to reset a password an admin needs to navigate to the /admin page and go to the Users node. From here click the appropriate user and select Reset Password. The user will receive an email to change their password.

Note: There is a difference between changing someone's password for them and resetting someone's password.

You can set a user's password yourself with the Change Password property. To do so, select Change Password, enter the new password value, confirm, and select Save.

If you want to prompt a user to reset his/her own password, select Reset Password.

How to Assign a User to a Group

To assign a user to a User Group open the appropriate User Group in the /admin page and from the top right-hand side select the user’s email from the dropdown.

The Difference Between Private and Non-private Groups

Groups can be private or non-private. Adding a user to a User Group gives the user the ability to see Records in Apps that the User Group has been added to. Non-private User Groups see all Records in the App not marked as private, while private User Groups see all Records in the App, including those marked as private.

Security groups control access to Records based on business specified criteria, often area-of-law and matter type. To add a user to a security group, navigate to the specific security group Record and add the user as a participant on that Record.

Out of Office Delegates

Out of Office Delegate configuration differs from environment to environment, we recommend you review your environment's configuration. The following is a general guide on assigning delegates. To assign an out of office delegate go to the User Profiles App. At the bottom of a User Profiles Record click Edit.

In editing mode choose Yes under the Out of Office section and fill in all relevant information. Once complete click Update to save the Record.

The chosen out of office delegate will have access to all Records associated with the out of office user until the out of office end date.

Vendor Onboarding and Maintenance

When a new Vendor is onboarded, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Billing Contact Email
  • Country
  • City
  • State
  • Address  

Never change the following Fields, these are BillingPoint configuration:

  • PSB Vendor ID
  • PSB Client ID
  • PSB Client Account ID

How to Create a Manual Invoice

To create a manual invoice, navigate to the appropriate Matter Record and click on the Vendor tab.

Click into the Vendor Record associated with the Matter and choose Add Manual Invoice.

NOTE: The vendor must be a manual invoice vendor.

Type in the invoice info and submit.

Approving Timekeeper Rates

Timekeepers are set up on the BillingPoint side and will have their rates submitted to Onit for approval. To bill Timekeepers their rate’s must be approved by the business/admin. To approve timekeeper rates, go to the Timekeeper Rates App and check for pending unapproved rates. Remember to use the provided dashboard views to help filter for unapproved rates.

To approve the rate, click on the Record, then choose Approve. Alternatively, use the Approve and Next button to approve the rate and move to the next Record in the App. Once the rate is approved, the vendor will be notified in BillingPoint.

How to Update an Existing List

To update an existing list, navigate to the /admin page and go into the Lists node. From here find the list you want to update and download the list to your local machine using the Export button.

Once downloaded, make the appropriate changes to the list. When finished delete the current list in Onit and use the Import list button to upload the updated list.

Tip: If you only want to make small changes to a list, you can edit the list from within Onit. Simply click on the list, click on the row, then edit the data directly.

How to De-Dupe Contact Records

To easily find duplicate Contact Records make use of the dashboard filters and views available to you.

For example, ‘Company A  B’ might have a duplicate Contact Record titled ‘Company A and B’. To find the Record try searching using the vendor name filter or address filter. Once a duplicate Contact Record is found decide which Record to keep and ensure you re-associate all connected Records to the correct Contact Record.  

Dashboard Views and Filters

Dashboard views and filters are powerful tools that help you find the information you are looking for.  There are two types of dashboard ‘views’, Public Views, and Private (i.e. My Views).

A public view is available to all users, while a private view is unique to your user profile and can only be accessed by you.

To create a new view, choose which Fields you would like included in the view using the Field Selector.

Once you have created your view click Save View at the top of the screen and give the view a name. Choose whether the view should be public or private and click Save to save the view.

Dashboard filters can handle advanced searching, for example a matching date or phone number. To create advanced filters Onit uses Regex. Examples of handy grid filters can be found in this tutorial.

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