Onit Documentation

Handy Grid Filters

by Christina Moore Updated on

Below is a list of Regular Expressions (a.k.a. Regex) that allow you to dynamically query for data in any Onit grid.

Filtering for Multiple Values

To search for multiple values use the following syntax:


This filter would find all records that have values like "Pending Review", "Pending SAP", "Paid", etc.

Excluding Records

To exclude records you can prepend your filter with "!".


This filter would find all records except for those containing the word "Pending". 

To exclude multiple values use:


This filter would find all records except for those containing the words "Pending" and "Paid".

Filtering for records where a Field's value is blank

To find records whose Field value is blank, missing, or empty, use the following:


If you used this filter on an Expiration Date column, you would get all the records that didn't have an Expiration Date value. 

Filtering for records where a Field isn't blank

Alternatively, you may want to find all the records where a Field's value isn't blank.


If you used this filter on an Expiration Date column, you would get only the records that did have an Expiration Date value.

Find Exact Match

To find an exact match of the search criteria use the following:


If you used this filter on a Phase column, you would get only the Records in the Closed phase.

Matching Email Addresses

Use the following Regex expression to match email addresses for validation purposes:


If you used this Regex as a validator it would match all popular email address formats such as [email protected] or [email protected].

Matching a Phone Number

Use the following Regex expressions to match phone numbers for validation purposes:


If you used this Regex as a validator it would match phone numbers with the format 123-123-1234, 123.123.1234, or 1231231234.

Matching a Date

Use the following Regex expression to match a date:


If you used this Regex as a validator it would match dates in either the dd/mm/yyyy, d/m/yyyy, or mm/dd/yyyy format.

Matching a Positive Number

Use the following Regex to match any positive number:


For example, this Regex could be used as a validation on Budget Records to make sure all Budgets are positive numbers. 

Matching a Zip Code

Use this Regex to match zip codes:

/(^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$)|(^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY]{1}\d{1}[A-Z]{1} *\d{1}[A-Z]{1}\d{1}$)/

This Regex could be used to validate zip codes entered into employee profiles.

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