Global Filters
Filters empower users to tailor the data on the dashboard based on business objectives.
- View By toggle enables tracking Spend by Fiscal Year or Calendar Year. Tracking Spend by Fiscal Year requires a Fiscal Year set up in Onit.
- Multi-select options for Year, Quarter, Month provide the ability to focus on specific time frames.
- Clicking on Show More Filters expands the scope of data selection.
- "Spend Metric" toggle allows the user to set the date for tracking Spend. It can be set to any one of Invoice Tracking Date, Approval Date, or Paid Date. Invoice Tracking Date can be configured in Billing Point as either Invoice Date, Billing Start Date, or Billing End Date (default).
- Utilize Matter Search and Invoice Search coupled with filters to quickly retrieve spend associated with matters or invoices.
KPIs provide a quick snapshot of vital spend metrics at a high level.
- Monthly trends enable users to track spend patterns and make informed decisions.
- Monthly % Change is a static comparison of the current month against the prior month and is not impacted by the filters (e.g., If we are on Oct 23, Monthly % Change for Spend will compare the spend for Oct 23 vs Sept 23).
- View Invoices drill-down feature enables deep dive into specific spend details with a simple click through.
Invoices Grid View
Users can access Invoice Grid View by clicking the "View Invoices" button at the bottom of the dashboard or leveraging dashboard tooltips.
- Invoice Grid View offers a comprehensive display of all invoices contributing to overall spend with a detailed breakdown.
- Grand Totals allows the users to understand the complete financial picture.
- By clicking on an Invoice Number, users can navigate to an invoice in the Onit application for further review of the invoice.
- Use "Matter Search" and "Invoice Search" coupled with filters to swiftly retrieve spending associated with matters or invoices.
- Clicking "Export Grid" lets you download the Invoice Grid, Line-Item Grid, and Grand Totals for further data analysis.
Spend Over Time Comparison
Within the exact visualization, users can switch between a Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, and Rolling 12-month view of the spend data for different time series analyses.
- The comparison chart updates dynamically as users select multiple years, quarters, or months.
- View Invoices drill-down feature via tooltips can be leveraged to navigate the filtered Invoice Grid View.
- Selections made within this visualization will filter all other visualizations across the dashboard
Spend Aggregate Breakdown
Users can analyze and comprehend the distribution of Total Spend across various Line-Item Types.
Spend By and Select Metric
The Spend By and Select Metric grouping empowers in-depth spend analysis for user groups such as Matter Managers and Reviewers.
- Users can explore spend patterns across metrics, including Total Spend, Fees, Expenses, Discounts, Adjustments, and # of Invoices.
- Clickable color legends based on Invoice Status and Reviewer Status provide an intuitive way to filter data.
- Seamless navigation to filtered Invoice Grid View by leveraging the View Invoices tooltip feature.
- Selections made within this visualization will filter all other visualizations across the dashboard.
Vendor/Matter Hierarchy
Vendor/Matter Hierarchy offers a holistic view of spend by presenting a structured hierarchy based on vendors and matters.
- Users can leverage the hierarchical view by expanding the matters under a particular vendor for deeper analysis.
- Users can filter the hierarchy through interactions with the Spend By chart and clicking on color legends.
- The "View Invoices" drill-down feature via tooltips enhances the data exploration process.
Spend By UTBMS Code Set
Spend By UTBMS Code Set offers a detailed view of spend distribution focusing on Fee and Expense Code Sets.
- Users can filter spend details using the Task Search based on either Code or Description.
- By clicking on a Code Set, users can navigate to View Invoice Line Items, which provides a detailed view of line items associated with respective UTBMS Code Sets.
Invoice Line Items Grid
The Invoice Line Items Grid presents an in-depth view of the invoices contributing to the Spend for UTBMS Code Sets.
- By clicking on an Invoice Number, users can navigate to an invoice in the Onit application for further review of the invoice.
- Users can utilize "Matter Search" and "Invoice Search" along with filters to locate and drill down to specifics within the Line-Item Grid.
- The "Export Grid" feature enables downloading the Line-Item Grid for further analysis.
Invoice Aggregation Buttons
The Invoice Aggregation Buttons offers a concise breakdown of spend based on Invoice Statuses.
- Users can dive deeper into the filtered Invoice Grid View of specific Statuses by clicking on aggregation amounts
Budget Analytics Report
Budget Analytics Report can be accessed by clicking on View Budget Analytics.
- This dashboard offers a comprehensive tracking system for budgeting at various levels: Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, and over the Life of Matter.
- The Date filters do not apply when the user tracks a Life of Matter budget.
- Budgets can be monitored at the Vendor and Vendor/Matter levels.
- Detailed budget information can be accessed by expanding the Budget Details Grid, and by clicking on a Matter #, users can navigate to a matter in the Onit application for further analysis.
- Clicking on Export Grid allows users to download the Budget Details Grid.
- Budget Analytics Report will reflect data only if Budgets are configured through standard Onit ELM Budgeting