Onit Documentation

Reporting Database Objects

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

This page is specific to database objects created in the warehouse when prepared for a client.

This content is intended for members of the reporting team and support and implementation teams. ​

bp_currencies materialized view


  • ​This materialized view is created to reduce the joins with the ebilling_ro.currencies foreign table.
  • The currencies data is cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view.
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Foreign Table: ebilling_ro.currencies -> ebilling.currencies in the ebilling master database

Column Name

Data Type

Unique Key
Source Field



Id of the currency

character varying
  Currency Code
character varying   Currency Symbol

bp_accounts materialized view


  • ​This materialized view is created to reduce the joins with the ebilling.accounts view that internally references a foreign table.
  • The warehouse's attributes for the client are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. This view has only 1 row for the client.
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name
Data Type
Unique Key Description Source Field
Id of the client account accounts.id
Specifies whether to supress diversity information accounts.suppress_diversity_info
currency_id uuid
Id of the client currency currencies.id
character varying
Client currency code currencies.currency_code
client_base_currency_symbol character varying Client currency symbol currencies.currency_symbol

bp_users materialized view


  • This materialized view stores the IDs and names of all the users who made invoice line item adjustments. 
  • The details of the users who performed the adjustments are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view.
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name
Data Type
Unique Key Description Source field
Yes Id of the user users.id
character varying Name of the user users.name

bp_staff_classifications materialized view


  • This materialized view stores the union of staff classifications from ebilling master and the client's private staff classifications. 
  • The staff classifications are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. 
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily as part of the nightly refresh process.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

bp_projects view


  • This view contains the fields used in the warehouse from ebilling.client_projects. 
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.client_projects table from the client's private database.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name
Data Type
Unique Key Description Source Field
psb_client_project id, ID of the record, primary key
character varying id of the vendor in billingpoint client_projects.account_id
character varying id of the client vendor association client_projects.client_id
client_account_id uuid id of the client account in billingpoint? client_projects.client_account_id
character varying
Client project name client_projects.name
number character varying
client project number client_projects.number
created_at timestamp without time zone date on which record got created in BillingPoint client_projects.created_at
updated_at timestamp without time zone
date on which record got updated last time in BillingPoint
character varying

id of VATM record in AppBuilder
type character varying type of client project client.projects.type

bp_billing_authorization_requests view


  • This view stores the fields used in the warehouse from the ebilling.billing_authorization_requests table. 
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.client_projects table from the client's private database.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

bp_invoices view


  • This view stores the fields used in the warehouse from the ebilling.invoices table. 
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.invoices table from the client's private database.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description  Source Field
id uuid Yes Invoice id, IF of the record, primary key invoices.id
Client_id uuid   Id of the client invoices.client_id
payment_terms_id uuid   Id of the payment term invoices.payments_terms_id
Office_id uuid   Id of office invoices.office_id
Account_id uuid   Id of the vendor account invoices.account_id
Billing_authorization_id uuid   Id of BAR invoices.billing_authorization_id
Currency_id uuid   Id of the invoice currency invoices.currency_id
Client_account_id uuid   Id of the client account Invoices.client_account_id
Project_id uuid   Id of the client project Invoices.client_project_id
Client_supported_currency_id uuid   Client supported currency id for the BAR invoices.client_supported_currency_id
Account_supported_currency_id uuid   Vendor supported currency id for the BAR invoices.account_supported_currency_id
Client_project_bar_id uuid   BAR id of the client project Invoices.client_project_bar_id
Invoice_number character varying   Vendor invoice number invoices.invoice_number
Invoice_date timestamp without time zone   Invoice date Invoices.invoice_date
Po_number character varying   Client PO # from vendor BAR Invoices.po_number
Discount_percentage Numeric (20,6)   Invoice discount in percentage invoices.discount_percentage
Terms text   Terms of invoice invoices.terms
Notes text   Invoices description in LEDES invoices.notes
Sub_total Numeric (20,6)   Invoice sub total invoices.sub_total
discount Numeric (20,6)   Invoice discount invoices.discount
Tax_amount Numeric (20,6)   Invoice tax amount invoices.tax_amount
Invoice_total Numeric (20,6)   Invoice total in submitted currency invoices.invoice_total
Archive_number character varying   Archive number if this Record is archives invoices.archive_number
Archives_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which invoice was archived in BillingPoint invoices.archived_at
Deleted_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which invoice was marked for soft delete Invoices.deleted_at
created_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which invoice got created in BillingPoint invoices.created_at
Updated_at Timestamp w/o timezone   Date on which the invoice got updated in BillingPoint Invoices.updated_at
Due_date date   Due date of invoice invoices.due_date
Last_invoice_status Character varying   Last status of invoice invoices.last_invoice_status
Discount_type character varying   Type of invoice discount - Fee, Expense invoices.discount_type
Billing_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone   Billing start date Invoices.billing_start_date
Billing_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone   Billing end date invoices.billing_end_date
state character varying   Invoice BP phase (Failed, Pending Approval, Approved, Disputed, Voided, Paid, Draft) invoices.state
Invoice_fees numeric (20,6)   Fees total in submitted currency Invoices.invoice_fees
Invoice_expenses Numeric (20,6)   Expenses in total submitted currency invoices.invoice_expenses
resubmitted Boolean DEFAULT false   True if invoice was resubmitted invoices.resubmitted
remote_key character varying   AB Invoice atom ID Invoices.remote_key
Invoice_orig_amount Numeric (20,6)   Invoice total on first time submission in submitted currency invoices.invoice_orig_amount
Client_spot_rate Numeric (20,)   Spot rate of client on invoice Invoices.client_spot_rate
Account_spot_rate Numeric (20,6)   Spot rate of vendor on invoice Invoices.client_spot_rate
Received_date Timestamp w/o time zone   Date invoice first went to phase = Pending Approval Invoice.received_date
Invoice_orig_fees Numeric (20,6)   Invoice total fees on first time submission in submitted currency invoices.invoice_orig_fees
Invoice_orig_discount Numeric (20,6)   Invoice total expenses on first time submission in submitted currency Invoices.invoice_orig_expenses
Invoice_orig_discount Numeric (20,6)   Invoice total discount on first time submission in submitted currency invoices.invoice_orig_discount
Submission_type Character varying   Is this LEDES 98b, 98bi, xml, via UI? {LEDES | Manual} Currently, its “LEDES” for all LEDES formats and “Manual” for manually created invoices Invoices.submission_type
Header_short_pay_adjust Numeric (20,6)   Not in use Invoices.header_short_pay_adjustment
Line_item_short_pay_adjustment Numeric (20,6)   Not in use invoices.line_item_short_pay_adjustment
Short_pay_adjustment_total Numeric (20,6)   Not in use invoices.short_pay_adjustment_total
Pay_total Numeric (20,6)   Its invoice_total - short_pay_total. Since short pay may not be in use, so it’s most likley qual to invoice_total invoices.pay_total
Approved_date Timestampe w/o time zone   Date invoice approval is completed bu all client approvers in Onit and invoices is readuy for payment processing invoices.approved_date
Edited_since_discputed Boolean DEFAULT false   Billing authorization requests edited since disputed Invoices.edited_sinces_disputed
ap_details text   Legacy data. THis waas used by AppBuilder to populate Legal Entity info. Replaced by current Legal Entity process Invoices.ap_details
Orig_fee_discount Numeric (20,6)   Fee discount in submitted currency Invoices.fee_discount
Fee_discount Numeric (20,6)   Expense discount in submitted currency invoices.expense_discount
Header_dispute_adjustment Numeric (20,6)     invoices.header_dispute_adjustment
fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment Numeric (20,6)   Fee line item discpute adjustment in submitted currency invoices.fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment Numeric (20,6)   Expense line item dispute adjustment in submitted currency invoices.expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Dispute_adjustment_total Numeric (20,6)   Total invoice adjustments in submitted currnecy invoices.dispute_adjustment_total
Adjustments_enabled Boolean DEAULT true   True if adjustments are enabled, otherwise false invoice.adjustment_enabled
Fee_header_dispute_adjustment Numeric (20,6)   Total header fee adjustments in submitted currency Invoices.fee_header_dispute_adjustment
Expense_header_dispute_adjustment Numeric (20,6)   Total header expense adjustments in submitted currency invoices.expense_header_dispute_adjustment
Vat_processing Boolean DEFAULT false     invoices.vat_processing

bp_invoice_line_items view


  • This view stores the fields used in the warehouse from the ebilling.invoice_line_items table
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.invoice_line_items table from the client's private database

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
Id uuid Yes Invoice line item id, ID of the record, primary key Invoice_line_items.id
Invoice_id uuid   Id of the invoice Invoice_line_items.invoice_id
Account_id uuid   Id of the vendor Invoice_line_items.account_id
Project_id uuid   Id of the client project Invoice_line_items.project_id
Time_keeper_id uuid   Id of the timekeeper Invoice_line_items.time_keeper_id
Time_keeper_rate_id uuid   Id of the time keeper rate Invoice_line_items.time_keeper_rate_id
Client_account_id uuid   Id of the client account Invoice_line_items.client_account_id
parent_id uuid   Id of the parent line item Invoice_line_items.parent_id
Adjuster_id uuid   Id of the adjuster user Invoice_line_items.adjuster_id
Item_description text   Description of the line item Invoice_line_items.item_description
Item_unit_cost Numeric (20,6)   Unit cost of the line item Invoice_line_items.item_unit_cost
Itme_quantity Numeric (20,6)   Unit quantity of the line item Invoice_line_items.item_quantity
archive_number Character varying   Archive number of the line item Invoice_line_items.archive_number
Archived_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which line item got archived in BillingPoint Invoice_line_items.archived_at
Deleted_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which line item got deleted in BillingPoint Invoice_line_items.deleted_at
Created_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which line item got created in BillingPoint Invoice_line_items.created_at
Updated_at Timestamp w/o time zone   Date on which line item got updated in BillingPoint Invoice_line_items.updated_at
Line_item_total Numeric (20,6)   Line item total in vendor base currency Invoice_line_items.line_item_total
discount Numeric (20,6)   Discount Invoice_line_items.discount
Timekeeper_rate Numeric (20,6)   Timekeeper rate Invoice_line_items.timekeeper_rate
Activity_date date   Line item activity date Invoice_line_items.activity_date
Invoice_line_item_type Character varying   Type of the invoice line item Invoice_line_items.line_item_type
Parent_type Character varying   Parent of the line item, it may be a line item or invoice Invoice_line_items.parent_type
Adjustment_unit Numeric (20,6)   No longer used Invoice_line_items.adjustment_unit
Adjustment_cost Numeric (20,6)   No longer used Invoice_line_items.adjustment_cost
Adjustment_total Numeric (20,6)   No longer used  Invoice_line_items.adjustment_total
System_Created Boolean DEFAULT false   True if this is system created Invoice_line_items.system_created
Dispute_adjustment_type Character varying   Type of adjustment e.g. set_amount_to, reduce_by_pct, reduce_by_amount, set_rate_to, set_net_to Invoice_line_items.dispute_adjustment_type
adjustment_value Numeric (20,6)   Value by an line item is adjusted, it may be hours, rate, percentage, or net Invoice_line_items.adjustment_value
Inactive  Boolean DEFAULT false   True, if item is inactive Invoice_line_items.inactive
Task_code Character varying   Task code Invoice_line_items.task_code
Task_description character varying   Description for the task code Task_codes.description
Expense_code Character varying   Expense code Invoice_line_items.expense_code
Expense_description Character varying   Description for expense code Expense_codes.description
Activity_code Character varying   Activity code  Invoice_line_items.activity_code
Activity_description Character varying   Description of activity code Activity_codes.description
Adjustment_code Character varying   Adjustment code Invoice_line_items.adjustment_code
Adjustment_description Character varying   Description for adjustment code Adjustment_codes.description
Tax_code Character varying   Tax code Invoice_line_items.tax_code
Tax_description Character varying   Description for the tax code Tax_codes.description 
Discount_code Character varying   Discount code Invoice_line_items.discount_code
Discount_description Character varying   Description of discount code Discount_codes.description
Adjuster_name Character varying   Name of user who made the adjustments bp_users.user_name
Optional_tax_rate Numeric (20,6)     Invoice_line_items.optional_tax_rate
Staff_classification_id uuid   Id of the staff classification Invoice_line_items.staff_classification_id
Staff_classification_description Character varying​​   Description of the staff classification Invoice_line_items.staff_classification_description

bp_timekeepers materialized view


  • This materialized view stores the data related to the client's timekeepers
  • The timekeepers are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. This reduces the number of joins with foreign tables from cube-related views.
  • The materialized view is refreshed daily as part of the nightly refresh process.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type  Unique Key Description Source Field
Client_time_keeper_id uuid Yes Client timekeepr id, ID of the record, primary key Client_timekeepers.id
Time_keeper_id uuid Id of the time keeper Client_timekeepers.time_keeper_id
Account_id uuid Id of the vendor Client_timekeepers.account_id
Client_account_id uuid Id of the client account Client_timekeeprs.client_account_id
Pending_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate pending for approval on this timekeeper Client_timekeepers.pending_rate
Approved_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate approved for this timekeeper Client_timekeepers.approved_rate
Currency_id uuid Currency Id of the time keeper rate Client_timekeepers.currency_id
Employee_id uuid Employee Id of the time keeper Time_keepers.employee_id
Full_name Character varying  Full name of the time keeper Time_keepers.full_name
Initials Character varying Initials of the time keeper Time_keepers.initials
Email Character varying Email id of the time keeper Time_keepers.email
Lawyer Boolean True, if timekeeper is a lawyer, otherwise false Time_keepers.lawyer
Phone Character varying Phone number of the time keeper Time_keepers.phone
First_practiced Bigint Year time keeper first practices Time_keepers.first_practiced
Url Character varying URL of the time keeper profile Time_keepers.url
Gender Chracter varying Gender of the time keeper Time_keepers.gender
Ethnicity Character varying Ethnicity of the time keeper Time_keepers.ethnicity
Other_ethnicity Character varying Other ethnicity of the time keeper Time_keepers.other_ethnicity
Date_bar_passed Bigint Date of BAR passes Time_keepers.date_bar_passed
Default_rate_effective_date Timestamp w/o time zone Effective date for the default rate Time_keepers.default_rate_effictive_date
Default_rate Numeric (20,6) Default rate of the time keeper Time_keepers.default_rate
Office_id uuid Id of the time keeper office record Time_keepers.office_id
Office_name Character varying Office name of the time keeper Offices.office_name
Country Character varying Country of the time keeper offices.country
City Character varying  City of the timekeeper Offices.city
Street_address_1 Character varying Address line 1 of the time keeper offices.street_address_1
Street_address_2 Character varying Address line 2 of the time keeper Offices.street_address_2
Province_or_state Character varying Province or state of time keeper offices.province_or_state
Postal_or_zipcode Character varying Postal or zip code of time keeper Offices.postal_or_zipcode
Currency_code Character varying Currency code for the time keeper rate currency Bp_currencies.currency_code
Currency_symbol Character varying Currency symbol for the time keeper rate currency Bp_currencies.currency_symbol
Staff_class_description Character varying Staff classification of the time keeper bp_staff_classifications.description
Staff_class_code Character varying  Staff classificatino code of the time keeper bp_staff_classifications.code
Rate Numeric (20,6) Rate for the staff classification bp_staff_classifications.rate
bp_tk_derived_pending_rate Numeric (20,6) Last updated rate from client timekeeper rates from BillingPoint where state is pending or pending_approval or resubmit or unapprove client_timekeeper_rates.rate. Derived using the function bp_get_tk_pending_rate since the existing pending_rate field is no more used in BillingPoint

bp_timekeeper_rate view


  • This view stores contains the fields that are used in the warehouse from the ebilling.client_timekeeper_rates table.
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.client_timekeepr_rates table from the client's private database

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
id uuid Yes Client timekeeper id, Id of record, primary key Client_timekeeper_rates.id
Staff_classification_id uuidq Id of the staff classification for the time keeper Client_timekeeper_rates.staff_classification_id
Client_timekeeper_id Id of the client time keeper record Client_timekeeper_rates.client_timekeeper_id
Account_id uuid Id of the vendor account  Client_timekeeper_rates.account_id
Effective_date Timestamp w/o time zone Effective date for the time keeper rate Client_timekeeper_rates.effective_date
rate Numeric (20,6) Rate of the time keeper Client_timekeeper_rates.rate
State Character varying State of the client timekeeper rate - pending, pending_approval, resubmit, unapprove, draft, sending, disputed, voided, edited_since_disputed Client_timekeeper_rates.state
Rate_increase_reason Text Reason for the rate increase Client_timekeeper_rates.rate_increase_reason
Remote_key Character varying Id of the timekeeper in Onit AppBuilder Client_timekeeper_rates.remote_key
Currency_id uuid Id of the currency Client_timekeeper_rates.currency_id
Currency_code Character varying Currency code for the timekeeper rate bp_currencies.currency_code
Currency_symbol Charater varying Currency symbol for the timekeeper rate Bp_currencies.currency_symbol
Time_keeper_id uuid Id of the timekeeper record Client_timekeeper_rates.time_keeper_id

bp_timekeeper_rate_histories materialized view


  • This materialized view stores the timekeeper rate histories from the ebilling master. 
  • The timekeeper rate histories are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. This reduces the number of joins with foreign tables from cube-related views. 
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
Tkr_id uuid Yes Client timekeepr rate history id, Id of the record, primary key Timekeepr_rate_histories.id
Time_keeper_id uuid Time keeper id Timekeepr_rate_histories.time_keeper_id
Tkr_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate for the time keeper Timekeepr_rate_histories.rate
Tkr_effective_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone Effective start date for the rate Timekeepr_rate_histories.effective_start_date
Tkr_effective_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone Effective end date for the rate Timekeepr_rate_histories.effective_end_date
Tk_employee_id Character varying Employee id of the time keeper Time_keepers.employee_id
Tk_staff_classification_description Character varying Staff classification for the time keeper Bp_staff_classifications.description
Tkr_currency_rate Character varying Currency code for the rate Bp_currencies.currency_code
Tkr_currency_sybmol Character varying Currency symbol for the rate Bp_currencies.currency_symbol

bp_invoice_validations view


  • This view stores the fields used in the warehouse from the ebilling.invoice_validations table. 
  • This view is just a wrapper on the ebilling.invoice_validations table from the client's private database.​​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
id uuid Yes Invoice validation, ID of the record, primary key Invoice_validations.id
Invoice_id uuid Id of the invoice record Invoice_validations.invoice_id
Context_type Character varying Context type can be Fee, Expense, HeaderTax, FeeDiscount, ExpenseDiscount, LineItemTax Invoice_validations.context_type
Context_id uuid Line item Id for line item level validation messages

Invoice id for invoice level validation messages
Message_severity Character varying Message severity can be ERROR, WARNING Invoice_validations.message_severity
Message Text Validation message Invoice_validations.message
Created_at Timestamp w/o time zone Date on which invoice got created in BillingPoint Invoice_validations.created_at
Updated_at Timestamp w/o time zone Date on which invoice got updated in BillingPoint Invoice_validations.updated_at
Rule_type Character varying Name of the rule Invoice_validations.rule_type
Invoice_number Character varying Vendor invoice number Invoices.invoice_number

manual_invoice_line_item_cube materialized view


  • This materialized view transforms the manual invoices into line items. One manual invoice will be transformed into one or more line item rows based on whether manual fields (fees, fees discount, expenses, expenses_discount, taxes) 
  • The transformed manual invoice line items are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. 
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
Client_project_number uuid Yes Invoice validation id, ID of the record, primary key invoices.matter_number
Account_id uuid Pub_vendor_id from the vendors app Vendors.psb_vendor_id
Vendor_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone Ended at date of the atom from the vendor app vendors.ended_at
Vendor_id uuid Id of the atom in the vendor app vendors.id
Vendor_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone Created date of the atom from the vendor app Vendors.created_at
Vendor_state Character varying State of the atom in the vendor app vendors.state
Vendor_currency_code Character varying One of the below fields dependeing on the type of manual invoice line item:

Currency code of manual fees
Currency code of manual fee discount
Currency code of manual expenses
Currency code of manual expense discount
Currency code of manual taxes
Inv_curr_state_name Character varying Phase of the atom from the invoice app Invoices.curr_state_name
Inv_invoice_fees_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_fees field value from invoices app Invoices.manual_fees
Inv_invoice_fees_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice_fees field value from invoices app Invoices.invoice_fees
Inv_invoice_orig_fees_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_fees field from invoice app Invoices.manual_fees
Inv_invoice_orig_fees_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice_fees field value from invoices app Invoices.invoice_fees
Inv_fee_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_fees_discount field from invoices app Invoices.manual_fees_discount
Inv_fee_discount_base Numeric (20,6) (manual_fees_discount field value from invoices app) x (derived spot rate) Invoices.manual_fees_discount  x derived spot rate
Inv_orig_fee_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) (manual_fees_discount field value) + (manual_expenses_discount field value) from invoices app Invoices.manual_fees_discount
Inv_orig_fee_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Discount_amount field from invoices app Invoices.manual_fees_discount x derived spot rate
Inv_invoice_orig_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) (Manual_fees_discount fieldvalue from invoices app) x (derived spot rate) Invoices.manual_fees_discount + invoices.manual_expenses_discount
Inv_invoice_orig_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Discount_amount field value from invoices app Invoices.discount_amount
Inv_invoice_expenses_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_expenses field from invoices app Invoices.manual_expenses
Inv_invoice_expenses_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice_expenses field value from invoices app Invoices.invoice_expenses
Inv_invoice_orig_expenses_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_expenses field value from invoices app Invoices.manual_expenses
Inv_invoices_orig_expenses_base Numeric (20,6) invoice_expenses field from invoice app Invoices.invoice_expenses
Inv_expense_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_expenses field from invoices app Invoices.manual_expense_discount
Inv_expense_discount_base Numeric (20,6) (Manual_expenses_discount field from the invoices app) x (derived spot rate) Invoices.manual_expenses_discount x derived spot rate
Inv_orig_expense_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_expenses_dsicount field from invoice app Invoice.manual_expense_discount
Inv_orig_expense_discount_base Numeric (20,6) (Manual_expenses_discount field value from the invoices app) x (derived spot rate) Invoices.manual_expenses_discount x derived spot rate
Inv_orig_manual_taxes_submitted Numeric (20,6) Manual_taxes field value from invoices app Invoices.manual_taxes
Inv_orig_manual_taxes_base Numeric (20,6) (Manual_taxes field value from the invoices app) x (derived spot rate) Invoices.manual_taxes x derived spot rate
Inv_invoice_orig_amount_submitted Numeric (20,6) (manual_fees field value)
(manual_fees_discount field value)
(manual_expenses field value)
+ (manual_expenses_discount field value)
(manual_taxes field value) from the Invoices app
+ invoices.manual_expenses_discount +
Inv_invoice_orig_amount_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice_orig_amount field value from invoices app Invoices.invoice_orig_amount
Inv_invoice_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) (manual_fees field value)
(manual_fees_discount field value)
(manual_expenses field value)
+ (manual_expenses_discount field value)
(manual_taxes field value) from the Invoices app
invoices.manual_expenses_discount +
Inv_invoice_total_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total in base currency. Invoice_total field value from invoices app Invoices.invoice_total
Inv_pay_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Its invoice_total - short_pay_total. Since short_pay may not be in use (need to confirm) so it's most likely equals to invoice_total Invoices.payment_amount
Inv_pay_total_base Numeric (20,6) Same as above but in base currency Invoices.invoice_total
Inv_billing_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone billing_end_date field value from invoice app Invoices.billing_end_date
Inv_billing_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone Billing_start_date field value from invoices app Invoices.billing_start_date
Inv_invoice_date Timestamp w/o time zone Invoice_date field value from invoices field Invoices.invoice_date
Inv_invoice_number Character varying Value of the name field from invoices app invoices.name
Inv_notes Character varying Value of notes field from invoices app invoices.notes
Inv_received_date Timestamp w/o time zone Value of the created_at field from invoices app invoices.created_at
Li_item_unit_cost Numeric (20,6) One of the below fields depending on the type of manual invoice line item

manual_fees, when manual_fees is not equal 0

manual_fees_discount, when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

manual_expenses, when manual_expenses is not equal 0

manual_expenses_discount, when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

manual_taxes, when manual_taxes is not equal 0
invoices.manual_fees, when manual_fees is not equal 0

invoices.manual_fees_discount, when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses, when manual_expenses is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses_discount, when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_taxes, when manual_taxes is not equal 0
Li_line_item_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) One of the below fields depending on the type of manual invoice line item

manual_fees, when manual_fees is not equal 0

manual_fees_discount, when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

manual_expenses, when manual_expenses is not equal 0

manual_expenses_discount, when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

manual_taxes, when manual_taxes is not equal 0
invoices.manual_fees, when manual_fees is not equal 0

invoices.manual_fees_discount, when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses, when manual_expenses is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses_discount, when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_taxes, when manual_taxes is not equal 0
Li_line_item_total_base Numeric (20,6) One of the below fields depending on the type of manual invoice line item

manual_fees x (derived spot rate), when manual_fees is not equal 0

manual_fees_discount x (derived spot rate), when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

manual_expenses x (derived spot rate), when manual_expenses is not equal 0

manual_expenses_discount x (derived spot rate), when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

manual_taxes x (derived spot rate), when manual_taxes is not equal 0
invoices.manual_fees x (derived spot rate), when manual_fees is not equal 0

invoices.manual_fees_discount x (derived spot rate), when manual_fees_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses x (derived spot rate), when manual_expenses is not equal 0

invoices.manual_expenses_discount x (derived spot rate), when manual_expenses_discount is not equal 0

invoices.manual_taxes x (derived spot rate), when manual_taxes is not equal 0
Li_id Character varying Time UUID created for each line item row Md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)
Inv_id uuid _id of the atom from the invoices app Invoices._id
Inv_remote_key uuid _id of the atom from the invoices app invoices._id
Li_activity_date Timestamp w/o time zone Invoice_date field from the invoices app Invoices.invoice_date
Line_item_type Character varying  Type of the manual line item. This field is derived.

'Fee' when manual_fees in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'FeeDiscount' when manual_fees_discount in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'Expense' when manual_expenses in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'ExpenseDiscount' when manual_expenses_discount in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'HeaderTax' when manual_taxes in Invoices app is not equal to 0
Type of the manual line item. This field is derived.

'Fee' when invoices.manual_fees in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'FeeDiscount' when invoices.manual_fees_discount in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'Expense' when invoices.manual_expenses in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'ExpenseDiscount' when invoices.manual_expenses_discount in Invoices app is not equal to 0

'HeaderTax' when invoices.manual_taxes in Invoices app is not equal to 0

invoices_line_item_cube materialized view


  • This materialized view stores the union of line items from BillingPoint and the line items transformed for manual invoices from AppBuilder. 
  • The invoice line items are cached in the warehouse schema using this materialized view. 
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
Client_project_number Character varying Yes Invoice validation id, ID of the record, primary key Bp_projects.number
Account_id Character varying Psb_vendor_id from the vendor app bp_invoices.account_id
Client_account_id Character varying Client account id of the invoice Bp_invoices.client_account_id
Vendor_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone BAR end date Bp_billing_authorization_requests.end_date
Vendor_id Text BAR id bp_billing_authorization_requests.id
Vendor_fee_arrangement_name Character varying Fee arrangement name on BAR Bp_billing_authorization_requests.fee_arrangement_name
Vendor_modification_reason Text Reason for which vendor asked modification on BAR Bp_billing_authorization_requests.modification_reason
Vendor_purchase_order_number Character varying Purchase order number from BAR record Bp_billing_authorization_requests.purchase_order_number
Vendor_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone Start date of the BAR Bp_billing_authorization_requests.start_date
Vendor_state Character varying State of BAR Bp_billing_authorization_requests.state
Vendor_budget_amount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Budget amount in submitted currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.budget_amount
Vendors_budget_amount_base Numeric (20,6) Budget amount in client base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x Bp_billing_authorization_requests.budget_amount
Vendor_client_spot_rate Numeric (20,6) Spot rate of vendor on invoice Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate
Vendor_currency_code Character varying Currency code for the spot rate of vendor of invoice Bp_billing_authorization_requests.currency_code
Vendor_currency_symbol Character varying Currency symbol for the spot rate of vendor of invoice Bp_billing_authorization_requests.currency_symbol
Vendor_edited_since_disputed Bigint 1 if BAR is edited since disputed, 0 otherwise Bp_billing_authorization_requests.edited_since_disputed
Inv_id Character varying  BP invoice ID Bp_invoices.id
Inv_adjustments_enabled Bigint 1 if adjustments are enabled, 0 otherwise Bp_invoices.adjustments_enabled
Inv_ap_details Text Legacy data. This was used by AppBuilder to populate Legal Entity info. The was replaced by current Legal Entity process Bp_invoices.ap_details
Inv_approved_date Timestamp w/o time zone Date invoice approval is completed by all client approvers in Onit and invoices is ready for payment processing. Bp_invoices.approved_date
Inv_billing_end_date Timestamp w/o time zone Billing end date Bp_invoices.billing_end_date
Inv_billing_start_date Timestamp w/o time zone Billing start date Bp_invoices.billing_start_date
Inv_client_spot_rate Numeric (20,6) Client spot rate sotred on invoice record Bp_invoices.client_spot_rate
Inv_invoice_date Timestamp w/o time zone Invoice date Bp_invoices.invoice_date
Inv_invoice_number Character varying Vendor invoice number Bp_invoices.invoice_number
Inv_notes Text Invoice_description in LEDES Bp_invoices.notes
Inv_po_number Character varying Clinet PO # from vendor BAR Bp_invoices.po_number
Inv_received_date Timestamp w/o time zone Date invoice first went to phase = Pending Approval Bp_invoices.received_date
Inv_resubmitted Bigint 1 if invoice resubmitted, 0 otherwise Bp_invoices.resubmitted
Inv_state Character varying Invoice BP phase (Failed, Pending Approval, Approved, Disputed, Voided, Paid, Draft) Bp_invoices.state
Inv_submission_type Character varying Submission_type e.g., Manual, LEDES Bp_invoices.submission_type
Inv_dispute_adjustment_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total invoice adjustments in vendor base currency Bp_invoices.dispute_adjustment_total
Inv_dispute_adjustment_total_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice adjustments total in submitted currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.expense_discount
Inv_expense_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total expense discount in submitted currency Bp_invoices.expense_discount
Inv_expense_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Total expense discount in base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.expense_discount
Inv_expense_header_dispute_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total header expense adjustments in submitted currency Bp_invoices.expense_header_dispute_adjustment
Inv_expense_header_dispute_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Total header expense adjustments in base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.expense_header_dispute_adjustment
Inv_expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total line item expense adjustments in submitted currency Bp_invoices.expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Inv_expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Total line item expense adjustments in base currency  Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.expense_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Inv_fee_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total fee discount (header and line item) in submitted currency bp_invoices.fee_discount
Inv_fee_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Total fee discount (header and line item) in base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.fee_discount
Inv_fee_header_dispute_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Fee header adjustments total in submitted currency Bp_invoices.fee_header_dispute_adjustment
Inv_fee_header_dispute_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Fee header adjustments in total base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice.fee_header_dispute_adjustment
Inv_fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Fee line item adjustments total in submitted currency Bp_invoices.fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Inv_fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Fee line item adjustments total in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.fee_line_item_dispute_adjustment
Inv_header_dispute_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Header adjustments total (fee header + expense header adjustments) in submitted currency bp_invoices.header_dispute_adjustment_submitted
Inv_header_dispute_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Header adjustments total (ffe header + expense header) in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.header_dispute_adjustment_base
Inv_header_short_pay_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Not in use bp_invoices.header_short_pay_adjustment
Inv_header_short_pay_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Not in use Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.header_short_pay_adjustment
Inv_invoice_fees_submitted Numeric (20,6) Fees total in submitted currency Bp_invoices.invoice_fees
Inv.invoice_fees_base Numeric (20,6) Fees total in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_fees
Inv_invoice_expenses_submitted Numeric (20,6) Expenses total in submitted currency  Bp_invoices.invoice_expenses
Inv_invoice_expenses_base Numeric (20,6) Expenses total in base currency Bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_expenses
Inv_invoice_orig_amount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Invoice total on first time submission in submitted currency Bp_invoices.invoice_orig_amount
Inv_invoice_orig_amount_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_orig_amount
Inv_invoice_orig_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Invoice total discount on first time submission in submitted currency bp_invoices.invoice_orig_discount
Inv_invoice_orig_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total discount on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_orig_discount
Inv_invoice_orig_expenses_submitted Numeric (20,6) Invoice total expenses on first time submission in submitted currency bp_invoices.invoice_orig_expenses
Inv_invoice_expenses_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total expenses on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_orig_expenses
Inv_invoice_orig_fees_submitted Numeric (20,6) Invoice total fees on first time submission in submitted currency Bp_invoices.invoice_orig_fees_submitted
Inv_invoice_orig_fees_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.invoice_orig_fees_base
Inv_invoice_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Invoice total in submitted currency bp_invoices.invoice_total
Inv_invoice_total_base Numeric (20,6) Invoice total in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_total
Inv_line_item_short_pay_adjustment_submitted Numeric (20,6) Not in use Bp_invoices.line_item_short_pay_adjustment
Inv_line_item_short_pay_adjustment_base Numeric (20,6) Not in use bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.line_item_short_pay_adjustment
Inv_orig_expense_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total expense discount on first time submission in submitted currency bp_invoices.orig_expense_discount
Inv_orig_expense_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Total expense discount on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.orig_expense_discount
Inv_orig_fee_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Total fee discount on first time submission in submitted currency bp_invoices.orig_fee_discount
Inv_orig_fee_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Total fee discount on first time submission in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.orig_fee_discount
Inv_pay_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Its invoice_total -short_pay_total. Since short_pay may not be in use (need to confirm) so its most likely equals to invoice_total bp_invoices.pay_total
Inv_pay_total_base Numeric (20,6) Same as above but in base currency bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.pay_total
Inv_short_pay_adjustment_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Not in use bp_invoice.short_pay_adjustment_total
Inv_short_pay_adjustment_total_base Numeric (20,6) Not in use bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoices.short_pay_adjustment_total
Inv_remote_key Character varying AB invoice atom ID Bp_invoices.remote_key
Li_task_description Character varying Description of task code Bp_invoice_line_items.task_description
Li_tax_description Character varying Description of tax code bp_invoice_line_items.tax_description
Li_expense_description Character varying   Description of the expense code bp_invoice_line_items.expense_description
Li_discount_description Character varying Description of the discount code bp_invoice_line_items.discount_description
Li_activity_description Charcter varying Description of activity code bp_invoice_line_items.activity_description
Li_adjustment_description Character varying Description of adjustment code bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_description
Li_id text Id of the invoice line item bp_invoice_line_items.id
Li_activity_code Character varying Activity code bp_invoice_line_items.activity_code
Li_activity_date Timestamp w/o time zone Date for which timekeeper is billing on invoice, activity date of line item bp_invoice_line_items.activity_date
Li_adjuster_id Text Id of the adjuster user is BillingPoint bp_invoice_line_items.adjuster_id
Li_adjuster_name Character varying Name of the adjuster user in BillingPoint bp_invoice_line_items.adjuster_name
Li_adjustment_code Character varying   Adjustment code bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_code
Li_adjustment_value Numeric (20,6) Value by an line item is adjusted, it may be hours, rate, percentage or net bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_value
Li_discount_code Character varying Discount code bp_invoice_line_items.discount_code
Li_dispute_adjustment_type Character varying Type of adjustment e.g., set_amount_to, reduce_by_pct, reduce_by_amount,set_rate_to,set_net_to bp_invoice_line_items.dispute_adjustment_type
Li_expense_code Character varying Expense code bp_invoice_line_items.expense_code
Li_inactive Bigint 1 if line item is inactive, 0 otherwise bp_invoice_line_items.inactive
Li_invoice_line_item_type Character varying Type of line item bp_invoice_line_items.invoice_line_item_type
Li_item_description Text Description of the line item bp_invoice_line_items.item_description
Li_parent_type Character varying Parent of this line item, it may be a line item or invoice bp_invoice_line_items.parent_type
Li_parent_id Uuid Parent Id. When FeeDispute adjustment is made, this field stores the line item id of the fee line item bp_invoice_line_items.parent_id
Li_system_created Bigint 1 if system created, 0 otherwise bp_invoice_line_items.system_created
Li_task_code Character varying Task code bp_invoice_line_items.task_code
Li_tax_code Character varying Tax code bp_invoice_line_items.tax_code
Li_adjustment_cost_submitted Numeric (20,6) No longer used bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_cost
Li_adjustment_cost_base Numeric (20,6) No longer used bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_cost
Li_adjustment_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) No longer used bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_total
Li_adjustment_total_base Numeric (20,6) No longer used bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_total
Li_adjustment_unit Numeric (20,6) No longer used Bp_invoice_line_items.adjustment_unit
Li_item_quantity Numeric (20,6) Line item number of units bp_invoice_line_items.item_quantity
Li_item_unit_cost Numeric (20,6) Line item unit cost bp_invoice_line_items.item_unit_cost
Li_line_item_total_submitted Numeric (20,6) Line item total in vendor base currency bp_invoice_line_items.line_item_total
Li_discount_submitted Numeric (20,6) Line item total in submitted currency bp_invoice_line_items.discount
Li_discount_base Numeric (20,6) Submitted discount in client’s base currency. Client’s spot rate x discount bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_line_items.discount
Li_line_item_total_base Numeric (20,6) Line item total in vendor base. Client’s spot rate x line item total bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_line_items.line_item_total_base
Li_timekeeper_rate_submitted Numeric (20,6) Submitted rate of the timekeeper Bp_invoice_line_items.timekeeper_rate
Li_timekeeper_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Submitted rate for the time keeper bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_invoice_line_items.timekeeper_rate
Tk_time_keeper_id Uuid Id of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.time_keeper_id
Tk_currency_code Character varying Currency code for the time keeper’s currency bp_timekeepers.currency_code
Tk_currency_symbol Character varying Currency symbol for the time keeper’s currency bp_timekeepers.currency_symbol
Tk_date_bar_passed Bigint Date of bar passed bp_timekeepers.date_bar_passed
Tk_default_rate_effective_date Timestamp w/o time zone Effective date for the default rate for the time keeper bp_timekeepers.default_rate_effective_rate
Tk_email Character varying Email id of the timekeeper bp_timekeepers.email
Tk_employee_id Character varying Employee id of the timekeeper bp_timekeepers.employee_id
Tk_ethnicity Character varying Ethnicity of the time keeper. This field will contain ‘Not Disclosed’ when supress diversity info it true. bp_timekeepers.ethnicity
Tk_first_practiced Bigint Year when time keeper first practiced bp_timekeepers.first_practiced
Tk_full_name Character varying Full name of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.full_name
Tk_gender Character varying Gender of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.gender
Tk_default_rate Numeric (20,6) Default rate of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.default_rate
Tk_default_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Default rate of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.default_base_rate
Tk_initials Character varying Initials of the time keeper bp_timekeepers.initials
Tk_lawyer Bigint 1 when timekeepr is a lawyer, 0 otherwise bp_timekeepers.lawyer
Tk_other_ethnicity Character varying Other ethnicity of the time keeper. This field is blank when supress diversty is true bp_timekeepers.other_ethnicity
Tk_phone Character varying Phone of the timekeeper bp_timekeepers.phone
Tk_staff_class_code Character varying Code of the staff classification for the timekeeper bp_staff_classifications.code if available on line item, else bp_timekeepers.staff_class_code
Tk_staff_class_description Character varying Description of the staff classification for the timekeeper bp_staff_classifications.description if available on line item, else bp_timekeepers.staff_class_description
Tk_url Character varying URL of the timekeepr’s profile bp_timekeeper.url
Tk_approved_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate approved for this timekeeper bp_timekeeper.approved_rate
Tk_pending_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate pending for approval for this timekeeper bp_timekeeper.pending_rate
Tk_approved_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Rate approved for this timekeeper bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_timekeeper.approved_rate
Tk_pending_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Rate pending for approval for this timekeeper bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate x bp_timekeeper.pending_rate
Tk_client_time_keeper_id Uuid Id of the client timekeeper bp_timekeepr.client_time_keeper_id
Tk_office_id Uuid Id of the office of the timekeeper Bp_timekeeper.office_id
Tk_office_name Character varying Name of the office of the time keeper bp_timekeeper.office_name
Bp_tk_client_approved_rate Numeric (20,6) Last approved rate for the time keeper for the client Bp_timekeeper_rates.rate
Bp_tk_standard_rate Numeric (20,6) Standard rate for the timekeeper that is derieved from the time keeper rate histories based on the line item activity date between effective start date and effective end date Bp_timekeeper_rates_histories.rate
Client_base_currency_code Character varying Currency code for client’s abse currency bp_account.client_base_currency_code
Client_base_currency_symbol Character varying Currency symbol for client’s base currency  Bp_accounts.client_base_currency_symbol
Tk_country Character varying Country of the time keeper Bp_timekeeper.country
Tk_time_keeper_id_text Text Text format of the timekeepr id bp_timekeepers.time_keeper_id
Inv_vat_processing Boolean DEFAULT false VAT flag on invoice Bp_invoices.vat_processing
Warehouse_refresh_date Timestamp w/o time zone System date time when this view was refreshed Now()
bp_tk_derived_pending_rate Numeric (20,6) Last updated rate from the client timekeeper rates from BillingPoint where state is pending or pending_approval or resubmit or unapprove Bp_timekeepers.bp_tk_derived_pending_rate
Bp_tk_derived_pending_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s pot rate x Last updated rate from client’s timekeeper rates from BillingPoint where state is pending or pending_approval or resubmit or unapprove bp_billing_authorization_requests.client_spot_rate xbp_timekeepers.bp_tk_derived_pending_rate

bp_invoices_line_item_cube view


  • This is just a wrapper view for the invoices_line_item_cube  materialized view. This is added since Tableau Desktop does not show the materialized views to the Report writers.
  • All the columns in this view are the same as invocies_line_item_cube. Please refer to the invocies_cube for a data dictionary for this view.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Refer to the data dictionary for invoices_line_item_cube materialized view for details

view_timekeeper_rate_report view


  • This view extracts the data related to the ELM timekeeper rate report.

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column name Data Type Unique Key Description Source Field
Li_invoice_line_item_type Character varying Type of the line item invoices_line_item_cube.li_invoice_line_item_type
Li_activity_date Timestamp w/o time zone Line item activity type invoices_line_item_cube.li_activity_type
Tk_currency_code Character varying Currency code for the time keeper’s currency invoices_line_item_cube.tk_currency_code
Tk_full_name Character varying Full name of the timekeeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_full_name
Tk_staff_class_description Character varying Description of the staff classification for the timekeepr invoices_line_item_cube.tk_staff_class_description
Bp_tk_client_approved_rate Numeric (20,6) Line item number of units invoices_line_item_cube.li_item_quantity
Li_line_item_total_base Numeric (20,6) Line item total in vendor base. Client’s spot rate x Line item total invoices_line_item_cube.li_line_item_total_base
Tk_time_keeper_id Uuid Id of the time keeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_time_keeper_id
Tk_first_practiced Bigint Year when the timekeeper first practiced invoices_line_item_cube.tk_first_practiced
Inv_remote_key Character varying _id of the atom from the invoice app invoices_line_item_cube.inv_remote_key
Tk_client_time_keeper_id Uuid Id of the client timekeeper invoices_line_item_cube.client_timekeeper_id
Invoice_id Uuid Id of the invoice invoices._id AS invoice_id
Invoices_manual_invoice Character varying “True” if manual invoice, else “false" Invoices.manual_invoice AS invoices_manual_invoice
Invoices_psb_vendor_name Characte varying Name of the vendor from BillingPoint invoices.psb_vendor_name AS invoices_psb_vendor_name
invoices_office Character varying Office invoices.office AS invoices_office
Offices_id Uuid Id of the office Offices._id AS offices_id
Office_city Character varying City of the office Offices.city AS offices_city
Office_country Character varying Country of the office Offices.country AS office_country
Tk_default_rate Numeric (20,6) Default rate of the time keeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_default_rate
Tk_default_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Default rate of the time keeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_default_rate_based
Tk_approved_rate Numeric (20,6) Approved rate of the time keeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_approved_rate
Tk_approved_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Rate pending approval for this timekeeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_approved_rate
Tk_pending_rate Numeric (20,6) Rate pending for approval for this timekeeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_pending_rate
Tk_pending_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client’s spot rate x Rate pending for approval for this timekeeper invoices_line_item_cube.tk_pending_rate_base
Bp_tk_dervied_pending_rate Numeric (20,6) last updated rate from client timekeepr rates from BillingPoint where stat is pending or pending_approval or resubmit or unapprove invoices_line_item_cube.tk_derived_pending_rate
Bp_tk_dervied_pending_rate_base Numeric (20,6) Client's spot rate x Last updated rate from client timekeeper rates from BillingPoint where state is pending or pending_approval or resubmit or unapprove invoices_line_item_cube.bp_tk_derived_pending_rate_base

bp_bar_line_items materialized view


  • This materialized view contains the matter rate,matter_rate_submitted date, matter_rate_currency_code from ebilling bar line items. 
  • ​This materialized view is refreshed daily during the nightly refresh process.​

Query Joins

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data Type Unique Key Description Default
id uuid Yes BAR id, ID of the record, primary key bar_line_items.id
billing_authorization_request_id uuid Billing authorization request bar_line_items.billing_authorization_request_id
client_timekeeper uuid Client Timekeeper ID bar_line_items.client_timekeeper_id
client_timekeeper_rate_id uuid Client Timekeeper ID bar_line_items.client_timekeeper_rate_id
time_keeper_id uuid Time Keeper ID bar_line_items.timekeeper_id
account_id uuid Account ID bar_line_items.account_id
remote_id uuid ID of BAR record in Appbuilder bar_line_items.account_id
time_keeper_rate numeric Bar timekeeper rate bar_line_items.time_keeper_rate
updated_at timestamp without time zone BAR updated date bar_line_items.updated_at
created_at timestampe without time zone BAR creation date bar_line_items.created_at
deleted_at timestamp without time zone BAR deleted date bar_line_items.deleted_at
name numeric Type of fee arrangement fee_arrangements.name
currency_code character varying Currency code for client sup[ported currency bp_currencies.currency_code
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