Onit Documentation

Advanced Reporting End User Guide

by Michael Nadeau Updated on

Advanced Reporting End User Guide

Reporting Overview

What are the products (PG DW, customized Tableau site)

When an MS agreement includes reporting, a standard data warehouse and Tableau site are created. If the customer wants custom fields, they are selected during appbuilder configuration and created/synced in the DW. A custom data source must be created to make custom fields available in Tableau.  

What are our offerings

Standard reports are accessible via a tlink in the client's UI. "locked down" reports in the client_datawarehouse project in Tableau. Automatic update with each release.

Custom reports are accessible via a tlink in the client's UI. "locked down" reports in the Onit Custom Reports project in Tableau.   Custom reports are not automatically updated with each release.  

Sales sells Tableau viewer licenses for $100/year per user via the tlink from the ab ui left navigation. Sales sells Tableau Developer licenses for $1000/year for all rights to do whatever they want.

Tableau Explorer – direct access to the Tableau environment for web editing of existing reports and can be published to the Client Custom Reports project in Tableau. Create subscriptions

Tableau Desktop – Tableau development environment. The expectation is that users will be trained Tableau developers, be able to work independently, and will produce work that deploys best practices and understands how actions can cause performance issues on the shared Tableau server.  

AI: think about short videos that show how to use the functionality of each license. Also include ask data (available from explorer license)

What products do we want to certify the DW (Sean)? ELM, looking to support CLM .

AI: What other ones do customers want, and what standard data sources should we create? Keith – what are customers asking for?   To certify other products, we must define which apps/fields are checked for the DW and ensure we have the list of supported data types. A Jira card is waiting on this.  For some products like CLM, we may not support the large amount of text in documents or other features (red-lining contracts maybe – idk)

For ELM customers, the DW includes data from Onit (per the client's checkboxes) and pre-defined views for Billing Point data.   Please get in touch with your Onit Account Manager if you need more detailed information on Billing Point data. How deep do we want to provide info to everyone (versus those who have bought a license to do development) since this website is pretty open?


Our clients can have complex security requirements, which currently need to be added as a customization to Tableau reporting.  We are working hard at Onit to create a seamless and consistent security model for both Onit and Tableau reporting.

Automatic Updates to the Reporting Data Warehouse and Standard Reports

Our Advanced Reporting product undergoes 3-4 major releases each year, which include new features, updates, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Bug fixes and updates may also be deployed between major releases based on client needs and our desire to deliver value to our customers continually.

ELM Reports

Reporting Overview

Onit Standard Reports are designed to make analytics intuitive, accurate, and consistent.

The ELM Standard Reports continues to focus entirely on outside legal spend.

Our goal is to create a unified user experience across all Tableau reporting suites while providing guidance and thought leadership on data visualization and utilization.

These reports create the foundation for Onit-built reports and accelerate client-specific custom reporting development.

The ELM Standard Reports are a collection of 40+ dashboards with over 130 sheets, all of which can be found in the Standard Report Template.

“Suites” are used to group specific dashboards to solve a particular problem or cater to a specific audience.


GC Suite

Provides a high level overview of spend by geography, open matters, spend over time, preferred vendors, as well as major matters

1. Overview

The Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of spend and blended rates by key dimensions, such as matter country, matter type, vendor, and staff class. It consists of four sheets, including Top 10 Countries by Spend (CY), Top 10 Vendors by Spend (CY), Top 10 Matter Types by Spend (CY), and Staff Class by Spend (CY)

2. Matter Country

The Matter Country dashboard is a geographic representation of matter spend by matter country and matter region. It consists of two sheets: Matter Country Spend and Matter Country Spend Detail.

3. Open Matters

The Open Matters dashboard enables the user to quickly see where the effort is being spent in relation to matter age. It consists of two sheets, including Years Open and Open Matter Detail. Years Open is a percentage of open matters by age by metric and enables you to see if older matters are contributing heavily to spend.  Open Matter Detail displays only open matters; metrics will not match KPIs containing open and closed matters.

5. Spend over Time

The Spend over Time dashboard shows the concentration of spend over the year. Changing the Date field shows the importance of the date type used.  It consists of two sheets: Spend Running Total and Area of Law Detail.  Spend Running Total is the running total of spend; using the Date Field parameter here, it is interesting to see the effects of which date is used.  Area of Law Detail is the running total of spend by area of law with color showing concentrations of spend.


27. Preferred Vendor

The Preferred Vendor dashboard displays the amount of Spend CY with specified Preferred Vendors. It consists of two sheets: Preferred Vendor (True vs False) and Preferred Vendor Trend Detail.

28. Major Matter

The Major Matter dashboard displays the amount of Spend CY on Major Matters. It consists of two sheets: Major Matter Trend (True vs False) and Major Matter Trend Detail.

29. Major Matter Only

The Major Matter Only dashboard displays a detailed grid of only Major Matters. This report may be blank if major/significant matters are not used. It consists of one sheet: Major Matter Detail.


Reports Fields

For reports in any suite to work correctly and without customization, you must use the out-of-the-box (gold) fields as part of your implementation.   If an alternate implementation is required, customization will be necessary.

Put field listing here – how do we want to easily do this by releasing using Rapiddox or the Tableau API?  Clients want more information about the fields (per Keith)

Filters and Calculations

Filters persist across all dashboards and views in a suite. For the GC Suite, this includes the Area of Law, Matter Type, Matter Country, Matter Name, Staff Class, Vendor Name, and Matter State.


How do we want to get calculations by suite?  Sean has something from Ash.  How can we easily copy this in with each release?

Put calculations here

Configuring Default Parameters

Several default parameters can be set for reporting. These include:

  • Current Year:  You will notice “CY” on filters and reports. This is a shortcut for the Current Year, and this can be set during implementation.   Last year, listed as LY on reports, is one year before the current year. The note is “Current Year (will be changed 1st week of January)”. What precisely is this referring to?
  • Date Field: This field specifies whether invoices fall within the current or last year filters. Options include Activity Date, Invoice Date, Received Date, Billing Start Date, and Billing End Date.
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Email

Customizing the Data Warehouse

§ How do clients decide what goes into their DW- what do they need to report on? Get what you need; don’t get everything unless you need it. What do we say about certain attribute types, like documents? Does the platform control the checkbox based on types?  

§ Importance of keeping gold fields for standard reports  

It's essential to keep out-of-the-box fields (and their use) during the configuration of a client environment to take advantage of standard reports and their Tableau data sources. The list of all fields used in standard reports can be found (list from Ashwini). Changing these fields will require Onit to build custom data sources for you to get the same information. AI: We have heard customers says... no one told me about the advantage of keeping gold names. If I have only known, I would have been acceptable to keep them.  Find out why customers want to change gold fields and ensure it's not just about having a different name. This needs to be communicated to PSG and our partners to keep clients on standard reports. 

§ Importance of valid/clean data and how that can impact reports and future features like analytics  

During any data loading, it's essential to ensure clean data and referential integrity between apps.  

§ Refresh times (full vs incremental)

We currently support both full and incremental data loads from appBuilder to DW. The intent was to do full loads on Sundays and incrementally on all other days. Tableau extracts and materialized views from BP are still nightly. I believe most, if not all loads, according to the  

§ Visual checkboxes in Onit, nightly refresh, live vs tableau extracts  

Checkboxes in the app configuration allow you to specify which fields you want to include when adding fields to the DW.  

MTE – once fields are added to the DW during the nightly refresh, they will appear automatically as standard data sources. Do a select * from all the tables listed to describe which fields work automatically and show up in the standard data sources (does this also work for custom data sources)

Could you put the report-specific fields here and get it from Sean/Ashwini?

Vendor Suite

Matter Suite

TK Suite

Self Service Suite

Audit Suite

Savings Suite

ELM Op Suite

Timekeeper Rate Report

Tableau Reporting

How will I interact with Tableau?

Tlinks in Onit  

Web interface  

Tableau Desktop - need to include how clients set up tableau desktop and what username/password they require to do so. This requires a specific approval in the MSA to use TD.

Can I create my own reports and where should I put them. I see there are some kind of folders for some clients but I don't think it's consistent. Do we want to set a standard or let clients decide the folder structure here.  


Tableau Basics

How does sorting work?

            Pull some info from Eric’s sortng doc he has maybe in the hearst reporting channel


Default color scheme

How do filters work? (same filter panel across many reports will filter all)

What is our deployment cycle like for standard reports

New features and updates to the Data Warehouse procedures and processes are automatically deployed to all clients 3-4 times a year.  Updates may also occur between releases for important bug fixes and critical client needs.   Standard reporting suites are also automatically deployed to those clients who request them (where is this going Sean?  Just to an admin and them they release?)

Getting Started with simple tableau functions (refresh, download, print, etc)

Refresh: Tableau caches report results.  Depending on the requirements of the report, you may need to refresh the dataset to get the latest data. 

Download:  Tableau provides downloads in several formats (add screenshot here) with a brief description of each (e.g. pdf, tableau workbook, crosstab)


When do I need customization

We have a robust set of ELM suites that can be utilized from the standard out of the box fields.  Here’s some reasons why you might need to customize them:

You want to add new custom fields to the existing reports

You have changed/removed the required standard fields

You need to add custom security

YNew article describing when a customer needs to engage for custom reporting  

Custom data sources  

What simple customizations can a customer do on their own – need to talk to eric about publishers  


Looking Ahead in 2021 and 2022

We are planning some exciting new features based on customer requests for security and data extraction as well as new ways for customers to self-service on users, simple customizations of standard reports that will auto-update with each release, and adding custom fields to standard data sources.  If you have a new product request or idea you can add it URL here.

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