Onit Documentation

Draft an NDA

by Stoney Lowstetter Updated on

Draft up a quick NDA; fill out the guided fields. 1st Page:

Draft up a quick NDA; fill out the guided fields. 1st Page:

Contract Name - Name of the Contract

Contract Type - Select NDA, if not already chosen for you

Paper Type - First Party or Third-Party Paper

NDA Type - One way or Mutual

Region - Select the region for the to be drafted contract

Contract Description/Purpose -And any relevant details on the contract


2nd Page for the Parties Involved:

Other Party - Here is the company of the other party. You can choose an existing party or create a new one.

Other Party Contact - The contact of the other party, which you can create a new contact if you need to.


Finally, the 3rd Page:

Attachment - Here, you will attach the contracts that need to be reviewed. You will notice an "Additional Attachment" button if you have more than one to get reviewed.


After that, click Submit Contract Request to finish the process.

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