You can submit an NDA for automated review with AutomateNDA. Again, you will need to fill out some information before you submit the contract.
First Page (Create Contract):

- Contract Name: Name the contract.
- Contract Type: Select Non-Disclosure Agreement from the drop-down menu.
- Paper Type: Select First-Party Paper or Third-Party Paper.
- NDA Type: Select One Way or Mutual
- Contract Description/Purpose: Include a small description of the contract
Second Page (Add Other Parties):

- Other Party: The other party's company. You can choose an existing party or create a new one.
- Other Party Contact: The other party's contact; you can create a new contact if necessary.
Third Page (Add Attachments):

- Attachment: Attach the contracts that need to be reviewed. You will notice an "Additional Attachment" button if you have more than one to review.
After that, click Submit Contract Request to finish the process.