Onit Documentation

Form States

by David Goldfarb Updated on

Each form has two states or modes:

  • Draft: Forms Builder opens the Draft version of a form by default. Changes are automatically saved to the Draft but are not pushed to end-users.
  • Published: The Published version of the form is the one end users see.

When you create a new form, it will automatically create a Draft for you.

In order to see the form on the end-user side in Onit, you'll need to publish the form and assign it as either the Launch or View form on the Form Assignments page.


If you discard the current Draft, any changes you made since the form was last published will be permanently deleted. FB will create a new Draft version identical to the latest published version.

There is currently no versioning available for forms; however, you can copy a form.


It is recommended to moderate how often you push forms with a new look and feel to end-users by publishing the changes on your form.

Switch Modes

From the Editor page, you can use the Mode drop-down to switch between the Draft and the Published version of your form.

View Draft & Published

The Preview page allows you to see the same form in its Draft and Published state side-by-side.

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