Onit Documentation

May 18, 2022

by Stoney Lowstetter Updated on

  • Fixed: Rich text format now retained in ReviewAI word add-in: Previously, when you formatted a replacement/inserted clause in Playbook Manager in a specific style, such as bullet points, bold, etc., the format and style didn't retain in Word add-in, that means you have to reformat them which wastes time. Now, all formats and styles will be retained and displayed properly.
  • Feature: Search term showing in summary view and export: Previously, when you had searched in your rule in Playbook Manager, the actual term you were searching for didn't appear in the summary view or exported summary, which made the information less useful. Now, we have made these search terms displayed in the summary view and exported the summary so that anyone reviewing them can see the full content.
  • Feature: Ability to tidy up the ReviewAI dashboard documents: Previously, the ReviewAI dashboard would display all the documents within the time period you selected. However, as users often have testing documents when setting up, having these testing docs showing up in reporting is distracting. We have added the ability to delete a doc from your dashboard to keep only useful information for you.
Next Article June 20, 2022

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