Onit Documentation

Working with Participants Liquid Examples

by David Goldfarb Updated on

Display One Participant with a Specific Role

{% assign displayemail = "" %}
{% for endorsement in endorsements %}
{% if endorsement.role == "Attorney"%}
{% if displayemail == "" %}
{{ endorsement.user.email }}
{% assign displayemail = endorsement.user.email %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Display Name and Email of All Participants in a Specific Role

{% assign array_of_users = atom.role_users["Invoice Approver 1"] %}
{% for user_record in array_of_users %}
{{ user_record.name }}/{{user_record.email}}<br>
{% endfor %}

Accessing the user object using 'email_to_user'

{% assign my_user = '[email protected]' | email_to_user %} {{my_user.name}} - {{my_user.has_used_password}} 

Returns - "John Gilman - true"

Accessing a user's preferences using 'user_preferences_for_user'

Assuming a "User Preferences" app is configured as a User Preferences provider in Advance Builder you can use the filter "user_preferences_for_user" to get any of a user's attributes. You need to pass a user object to the filter, not just an email address, so "current_user" will work. But you can always use "email_to_user" to first get a user object then pass it to the filter.

  • Use with "current_user" 
{% assign my_user = current_user | user_preferences_for_user %} {{my_user.approval_authority}} 

Returns "10000"

  • Use with an email address 
{% assign my_user = '[email protected]' | email_to_user | user_preferences_for_user %} 

Returns "50000"

Display How Many People are in a Specific Role

{% for endorsement in endorsements %}
{% if endorsement.role == "Attorney" %}
{% assign count = count | plus: 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Display All Current Approvers with Status

{% for endorsement in endorsements %}
{% if endorsement.requires_action and endorsement.active %}
{{ endorsement.user.email }} - {{ endorsement.status }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Display Approvers Still Pending

{% for endorsement in endorsements %}
{% if endorsement.requires_action and endorsement.active and endorsement.status == 'Pending' %}
{{ endorsement.user.email }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Return the Role and Name of Every Participant on a Transaction

{% assign all_participants = ''%}
{% for role in roles%}
{% assign participants_in_role = ''%}
{% for participant in role[1]%}
{% assign participants_in_role = participants_in_role | append: participant | append: "; "%}
{% endfor %}
{% assign size = participants_in_role | size | minus: 2 %}
{% assign participants_in_role = participants_in_role | slice: 0, size %}
{% assign all_participants = all_participants | append: '"' | append: role[0] | append: '" Participant(s): ' | append: participants_in_role | append: ". "%}
{% endfor %}
{% assign size = all_participants | size | minus: 1 %}
{{ all_participants | slice: 0, size }}

Hide a Button From All Users Except Those in a Certain Role

{% assign hideButton = true %}
{% for e in endorsements %}
{% if e.role == "Requester Approval" and e.email == current_user.email %}
{% assign hideButton = false%}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Initialize requester to current user

Place the following in the requester name's initial value field:

{{ current_user.name }}

Place the following in the submitter email's initial value field:

{{ current_user.email }}
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