Onit Documentation

Installing the OnitX CLM Word Add-In

by Rob Munson Updated on

There are a few steps to perform to install the OnitX CLM Word Add-In and get it ready to use. Onit has made this Add-In available for local installation or managed organizational deployment via Microsoft 365, but there are some steps which must be performed in coordination with Onit Customer Support prior to installation. 

OnitX CLM Word Add-In preparation with Onit Customer Support

  1. Create an E2D to Onit Support to enable Office Extensions for the corporation.
  2. Create a ticket to Customer Support to have the Enable Outlook Plugin turned on in OnitX CLM Administration > Corporation Settings > Beta Features.

3. Once the E2D in Step 1 is completed, it is recommended to configure a Slug for the Word Add-in, to allow compatibility with the Outlook Add-in. This must be unique among office extensions in this corporation. More information on installing the Outlook Add-In may be found here.

4. In OnitX CLM App Builder, go to any App and select the Pencil icon to enter the Advanced Designer menus.

  • Go to Global Configuration, Auth Providers
  • Create a new JSON Web Token
  • Give the Web Token a Name, such as Word Add-In
  • Give it a Display Name, normally this will be the same as Name
  • In Active User, select DYNAMIC
  • Minutes until expire duration should be between 60 and 43200
  • Check Enabled
  • Click Save

5. In OnitX CLM App Builder, go to Administration, System Management, Extensions and click the blue button to add an Office Extension.

  • Uncheck the Outlook Add-in box
  • Give the Office Extension a unique name
  • Type in a unique name for the Slug in only uppercase or lowercase text characters or numbers
    • no spaces or special characters outside of “_” or “-“ should be used
    • Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name for the correct instance you will use the Add-in in Onit: prod.dcbko6dpei5hx.amplifyapp.com
  • In the JSON Web Token Provider field, select the Web Token created in Step 4.
  • Save the newly created Office Extension

6. Once the preceding steps have been completed, the manifest will be available on the customer’s environment located here:

  • http://[yoursubdomain].onit.com/o365/[slug]/manifest.prod.xml (where [slug] is the value entered in Step 4)
  • You may have additional manifest files if you have more than one CLM instance for User Acceptance Testing or a development sandbox. Repeat Step 1 for each CLM instance in your organization.

7. Remember to add all users who need to use the add-in to the CLM Word Add-In User Group by going into Administration>Security and Audit History. Select the Word Add-In User Group. Add users as needed.

Local Installation of the OnitX CLM Word Add-In for Windows

The following steps have to be performed on each user’s Windows computer who will use the add-in:

  1. Save the manifest file(s) to your local computer as “manifest.xml”
    • It is recommended to save the manifest in browsers other than Microsoft Edge
    • Ensure you do not save it with a duplicate extension name such as manifest.xml.xml
    • It may help to turn to unhide file extensions in Windows Folder Options. Refer to this for help
  2. You have the option of saving the manifest.xml file to a specific folder of your choosing or from one you commonly access such as Downloads.
  3. Find the via Windows File Explorer on hour hard drive
  4. Share the folder to yourself (right click the folder > Give access to > Specific people > Select your user > Share) 
  5. Do not close the window
  6. On the same ‘Network access’ screen, right click & copy the Manifest
    folder name that appears in the list. (This copies the network share
    name. For example: "//[LocalComputerName]/Downloads/Manifest” or “//[LocalComputerName]/Downloads” 
  7. In Word, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Add-in Catalogs
  8. Check the box which says "Show in Menu"
  9. Input [network share name] URL > add Catalog > OK
  10. Restart Word.
  11. Go to Add-ins > Shared folder. The Onit Word Add-in should display.
  12. Note: This step may vary slightly from different versions of Microsoft Word.
  13. Click each add-in and click "Add" (you'll need to do this one by one if you have separate manifest files for different CLM environments).

Local Installation of the OnitX CLM Word Add-In for MacOS

The following steps have to be performed on each user’s MacOS computer who will use the add-in:

  1. Create the following folder if it does not exist on your Mac hard drive:
    1. ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Word/Data/Documents/wef/
  2. Launch a Terminal session to begin installation
  3. Type in the following to the Terminal session:
    • curl "https://[yoursubdomain].onit.com/o365/gemini/manifest.prod.xml" > ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Word/Data/Documents/wef/[yoursubdomain].manifest.xml;
  4. Replace [yoursubdomain] with the actual name of your Onit-hosted environment. For example, if your CLM environment is https://acme.onit.com replace [yoursubdomain] with acme.
  5. To execute the command, hit Enter
  6. On the Insert tab, go to My Add-Ins
  7. On the small dropdown arrow, you will see the Add-In has been successfully installed
  8. Click the Onit icon to have the Add-In launched and located inside the right portion of the Word window
  9. Click the Sign In button on the Connect screen
  10. Enter your Onit CLM credentials and click Login
  11. Repeat these steps for each CLM environment you have
Next Article Getting to Know the OnitX CLM Word Add-In

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