- How to Install Onit Connect
- Using search in Onit Connect
- Editing and Saving Documents
- Reconciliation
- Add Obligation
- Using the Clause Library
- Document Compare
- How to Associate an Existing Document with a new Record
- How to Create a New Record from the Add-in
- How to Create a New Document from the Add-in
Add-in Requirements
- Word 2016 for Mac
- Word 2016 or later
How to Install Onit Connect
To install the Onit Connect Add-in begin by opening Microsoft Word. In the Insert menu hover over Add-ins and select Get Add-ins.

In the search box search “Onit” and click the Add button on the Onit Connect Add-in.

When the Add-in is successfully installed you will see this popup in the Word ribbon.

Click the Onit Connect Add-in and enter your environment’s subdomain. The subdomain is your environment’s URL after the https:// and before .onit.com. For example, the subdomain for https://test-env.onit.com would be test-env.
Once you have entered your environment’s subdomain click Continue to Login.

Enter your username and password in the popup window to login. When you have successfully logged in you as Logged In Successfully balloon.
The setup is now complete.
Using Search in Onit Connect
To search for documents from the Onit Connect Add-in in enter a keyword or name of the document in the search bar.

You can further narrow your search by selecting a specific App or by searching in the Template Library. Click on the dropdown menu to display more options.

Additionally, by selecting a specific App you can search on the Contract Name or Case Number.

Editing and Saving Documents
To start editing a document click on a document from the Onit Connect panel.

A new browser window will open and prompt you to save the document to your computer. Once you have saved the document open the document in Word and begin editing as normal. If you would like to prevent other users from checking in (i.e., saving) a new version of the same document while you are editing, click the Not Checked Out toggle to Check Out the document.

When the document is marked “Checked Out” other users will not be able to upload a new version of the document to Onit.

Once you are done editing a document you can check the document back into Onit. Click the Save button in the Onit Connect panel.

Choose whether you would like to save the document as a major or minor change. A major change will increment the whole version number (e.g., 1.0 to 2.0) while a minor change will increment the decimal number (e.g., 1.0 to 1.1). Each major change will reset the decimal number to zero.

Enter an optional description of your changes and click Save and Finish.
Note: If you have chosen to Reconcile Tracked Changes the Save and Finish button will change to Next and navigate you to the reconciliation screen.
Check In and Send for Internal / External Review
Clicking either Check In and Send for Internal Review or Check in and Send for External Review will check in the document and send the document to Onit Users or external emails respectively.

Check In and Send for Approval
The Check In and Send for Approval button will check the document in and advance it to the approval stage in your Onit workflow.

When saving a document you have the option to reconcile tracked changes. To reconcile tracked changes click Save then on the next screen make sure Reconcile Tracked Changes? is selected.

All fields identified for reconciliation will show on the next screen.

Add Obligation
The Add Obligation button creates a new Record in the Obligation App within Onit. To create a new obligation select Add Obligation.

Fill in the Onit intake form with the appropriate details, then click Submit.

Using the Clause Library
To add a clause to your document place your cursor where you would like the clause to be inserted and click Clause Library.

The clause library shows all available clauses. Filtering tools are available by clicking the the filtering icon under the search bar. Click on the appropriate clause, then click Insert.

The clause will be inserted where your cursor is located.
Document Compare
To compare two existing documents, first open one document in the Word Add-in. From the add-in panel choose Document Compare.

An Onit window will open where the original and revised version of the document can be selected. The Select Orignal Document field will automatically be populated with the document currently open in the Word Add-in. From the drop downs select the versions of the original and revised documents to compare.
The Label Changes With field will tell Word who to attribute changes to, e.g., John Smith.
The Save as version of field determines if the comparison document will be saved as a version of the original or revised document. Additionally, the As a field determines if the comparison document is saved as a major or minor version.
Once the Document Compare fields are filled in, select Submit to generate the comparison document.
Depending on the length of the documents, generating the comparison might take a moment. Once the generation is done a pop-up will appear in the bottom of the add-in panel.

Click the link to download the comparison document to your computer.
In Onit, the document will show as "Checked in from document compare", along with a download link.
How to Associate an Existing Document with a New Record
It is easy to save an existing document to a new Record in Onit. Simply open the existing document in Word and choose the Save To button by clicking the up arrow next to Save in the Onit Connect panel.

Then choose the Record you would like to associate the document to.

You will see a confirmation notice when the document is successfully associated.

You can now continue editing the document as normal.
How to Create a New Record from the Add-in
To create a new Record from the Onit Connect Add-in choose Create Record from the bottom of the screen.

A new Record launch form will popup in a separate window. Click Save to save the new Record.

How to Create a New Document from the Add-in
To create a new document from the Onit Connect Add-in navigate to a Record within the Add-in. Once you are on a Record’s page click the New Doc button in the lower right of the panel.

A new window will open to name the document. Once you are done click Save.

Once the document has been successfully created the Add-in will navigate to the new document. You can continue editing the document as normal.