Onit Documentation

Configuring Form Buttons

by Christina Moore Updated on

Form Buttons are buttons that display on the Record launch form. These buttons allow end-users to execute tasks from the Record screen, like saving a Record.

Onit Apps are pre-configured with a few standard Form Buttons out-of-the-box (Create and Update), but App Creators can also create their own custom buttons. In this tutorial we’ll explain all four Form Buttons, Save, Save and Go To, Save and Relate New, and Update.

All of the buttons have the following common properties:

  • Name – The name of the button.
  • Display Name – The text the user sees on the button.
  • Condition – If the condition evaluates to true the button will show, otherwise it will be hidden. This property is optional on all buttons.
  • Show on Create? – When this box is checked, the button is shown on the Record launch form, as in the screenshot above.
  • Show on Anonymous Create? – When this box is checked, the button is shown on an anonymous Record launch form.
  • Show on Wizard? – When this box is checked, the button is shown on an anonymous Record update form.

To create a new Form Button browse to the Form Buttons node in the Advanced Designer and click the plus button.


The Save button allows users to save the Record, the Condition property is optional.

Save and Go To

The Save and Go To Button allows users to save the Record and go to another location. The Go To property has the following configuration options:

  • Atom – The user is taken to the newly saved Record.
  • Refresh – The user is taken to the dashboard, which refreshes.
  • None – The user is taken to the dashboard, which does not refresh.
  • Message – The user is shown a toast message at the bottom of the page. The message is set in the Message Field. If the Message property is left blank, the toast will appear blank. The Message property accepts both HTML and Liquid.

Save and Relate New

The Save and Relate New Button can only be used when the App has a related Field, either a ManyToMany or HasMany Field. Clicking the Save and Relate New Button saves the Record, and then immediately launches the related App’s Record launch screen.

For example, the Matter and Task Apps are related by a HasMany / BelongsTo relationship. When a user clicks the Save and Relate New Button on a Matter Record it will save the new Matter Record and then take the user to another form to create a Task Record.

To configure the Button, choose the desired related App from the Child Relation dropdown.


The Update Button is the least-configurable of all the Form Buttons. The Update Button allows users to save updates on a Record.

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